Page 3 - November 08, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 3


        Eminent domain                     From grape to wine to bottle
        for right-of-way                   Continued from page 1

        The Chesterfield Board of Supervisors at   service to add to their
        their regular meeting on November 15,   business.”
        6:00 p.m. in the County Public Meeting   East Coast Bottling
        room at the Chesterfield Administration   is under the umbrella of
        Building, Route 10 and Lori Road,   Wine and Beer Supply,
        Chesterfield,  At the meeting persons
        affected may appear and present their   which is located in
        views to consider:                 Ashland. Robertson
                                           bought the mobile wine
        The exercise of eminent domain for   bottling business from
        the acquisition of fee simple interest   Landwirt Bottling, based in
        for right-of-way and easements for the   Harrisonburg
        Route 10 (Route 1 to I-95)  Widening    “The availability
        Project The following properties will be    of a mobile bottling
        affected by the widening:          service should be a major
                                           consideration in winery
        12700 Jefferson Davis Highway, GPIN
        798653049500000;     Breckenridge  planning. Too often,
        Shopping Center.                   great emphasis is placed
                                           on producing wine with
        12500 Jefferson Davis Highway, GPIN   little thought given to its
        798654703900000; On the southwest   preservation. Historically,
        corner of Rt 10 and Rt. 1 is better   bottling techniques for the
        known as Shell.                    smaller winery have been
                                           rudimentary, yet today’s
        12431 Jefferson Davis Highway, GPIN
        798654897000000; Vacant northeast   highly competitive market
        corner at intersection. (Enterprize   necessitates quality bottling
        Rental Car)                        capability at all levels
                                           of production. For many   ASHTON CREEK VINEYARDS IS A FAMILY AFFAIR.  FROM LEFT: ALAN, LORI, RACHEL, AND KIRK THIBAULT,
        2530 W. Hundred Road, GPIN         wineries, a mobile bottling   WITH THEIR TWO PUPS, BAILEY AND WILLIE NELSON.
        798654967600000; Enterprize Rental   service has been the
        Car                                answer to this dilemma for numerous   said Simmers. “We bottle every day   that overall, the state did really well
                                           reasons,” said Robertson.  “Mobile   except September and October, when   with its grapes this season. Ashton
        2420 W. Hundred Road, GPIN         wine bottling is a cost-effective,   the wineries are harvesting. We overhaul   Creek Vineyards and Event Center
        799654517700000; Friendly’s
                                           streamlined solution to an issue so   our machinery during those two months.   is located about three miles south of
        If further information is desired, please   many wineries face: how do we bottle   This is our second day bottling since   West Hundred Road at 14501 Jefferson
        contact Stan Newcomb, Principal    all this wine? We are able to bottle   the overhaul, and we will run through   Davis Highway.  The event facility,
        Engineer, at 748-1037, between the   3,200 bottles per hour, 54 bottles per   August next year.” Simmers was on hand   called the Barn, is a 5,000 square foot
        hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday   minute.”                   at Ashton Creek to train the new owner   post-and-beam construction with an
        through Friday.                        Gary Simmers, owner of        and his staff.                     occupancy of 280. The tasting room
                                           Landwirt Bottling, designed the       “We have the quantity now,” said   has two floors, each with a capacity of
                                           mobile wine bottling truck 20 years   Alan Thibault. “We have 500 cases ready  a 120 and the second floor is used for
              We’re cleaning up            ago to offer flexibility in meeting   with everything in-house. It should last   smaller parties. The winery is in the
           our website. come see           the bottling challenges of various   us a full year until next harvest.”    lower level of the entire center, and
                                           wineries not only in Virginia but u[
                                                                                                                its area is 8,000 square feet. Hours of
                                                                                 The winery has already booked 58
           how we are caught  up           and down the East Coast. “The mobile   weddings this year.  Plans are to add   the tasting room are noon to 8 p.m.
            with all of our recent         wine bottling put into a truck saves   six more stainless steel tanks. “Our   Wednesdays through Fridays and 11
            print and a magazine           the winery a three, four, five hundred   grapes are still young,” said Kurt.   a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
                 version, too              thousand dollar investment, plus   “But we are still growing. The cold   For more information, visit www.
         space in the winery and maintaining   injuries the grapes received this year or call (804)
          or Village News Chester on Facebook  it and the need to update technology,”   will take two years to recover.” He said   896-1586.

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