Page 13 - January 24, 2018
P. 13
Rise and Shine in the Dogpound
more interested in how the economy H - Hold back. Set a reasonable pace.
Dogpound ham reacts to the lower corporate tax rate. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. If you
I am a big fan of “It’s the economy
want to last, pace yourself. And take
and taxes stupid!” and I think it solves a lot of time to rest.
problems. Yes, some companies will
use it to buy back their stock or sock I - Indulge your desire for fun. Do
it away, but there are other companies something fun everyday and try to put
By Walter “JR” Wilson
that will use that extra cash to grow and fun in your usual activities.
ello and welcome back to up the ham…I came to the realization expand. A few companies have gone as
the wonderful world of the that I had turned the ham upside down far as to give raises to their employees L - Learn how to just be. You already
HDogpound. As of now I am in the roaster to allow the bottom fat to based on the reduced corporate tax rate; know how to DO. Take time to BE.
completely ”hammed” out. All week, drip down on the rest of the ham. Once I unfortunately my company was not Don’t measure your life by what you
ham sandwiches, ham with peas, ham got down to the heart of the meat, it was one of them. [Sad face!] With growth, accomplish, but by who you are. Be
with green beans and carrots…and really tender with a great flavor [bourbon that will mean more people will be present. Be attentive. But be.
finally some is headed for the bean soup. will do that for you…lol!] Other than employed, wages will rise as demand for
I mentioned that I was not completely eating lots of ham, during the holiday skilled labor heats up, and this in turn L - Let it go. You are not responsible
satisfied with my holiday cooking this shutdown I have had extra time to start will allow more people to get insurance for everything and everybody. In
year..but I have to take a little bit of that preparing for my 2017 tax returns. I through their company plans, plus the the immortal words of poet Robert
back…at least on the ham. The ham have no idea how the new tax reform is government will get more tax revenues. Browning, “God’s in His Heaven; all’s
seemed overly gristly…but once I carved going to affect me personally, but I am Now the downside of all of this is that right with the world.” You don’t have to
this will generate more debt, it might do it all yourself; you don’t have to do
push interest rates up, and Congress has it all right now. And some of it you may
not shown any appetite to take revenue not have to do at all.
surpluses and use them to buy down our
national debt. So we will see if this is That is all I have for today. As always, be
the “worst Congress bill ever,” or the good, do good, play safe, and remember,
priming we need to get our economy out it is better to chill than it is to be chilly.
of first gear. I am voting for the latter.
“We contend that for a nation to try to
tax itself into prosperity is like a man
standing in a bucket and trying to lift
himself up by the handle.”
– Winston S. Churchill
Chilling is pretty good advice, actually.
Especially if the word ”chill” is spelled
this way:
C - Calm down. When you’re anxious,
frenzied or pressed, stop. Take a deep
breath and ask yourself, “Why?” JANUARY 24, 2018 13