Page 1 - July 05, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 1

JULY 5, 2017 XIX NO.46

              Village      News





          The Chesterfield County Department
       of Fire and EMS celebrated the opening
       of their state-of-the-art fire training tower
       at the Enon Fire Training Center last
       Thursday. The seven-story training tower
       capable of simulating live fire using a
       computer-controlled, propane-fueled
       training system and will provide firefighters
       with different training opportunities, such
       as fighting live fire in multi-story buildings
       and simulating emergencies in hotels,
       office buildings, garden apartments, and
       industrial complexes.
          Firefighters will also be able to train
       in ladder and elevator rescues and in
       high-rise and confined-space rescues,
       and local law enforcement officers     House of Lace, Labor of Love
       will be able to conduct tactical training
       operations and K-9 training.
          Edward L. Senter Jr., Fire and EMS   BY L. FAUSZ                   Scott McCracken.                    and repainting over the years that will
       chief for Chesterfield County, said the    he “Lace House,” a legacy       “I remember playing in the Lace   maintain the life of the structure.
       training tower has been in the works       piece of the former owners of   House as a kid when it was in Church   On-site, brick was laid, lights
       and was needed for many years, as they     Meadowbrook, has returned   Hill,” said Chris McCracken, a historical   installed, and the garden house
       have not been able to train or fight fires   Tto the gardens of its current   restoration contractor. The brothers’   constructed. Fourteen gallons of paint
       in in multi-level buildings since their   owner, Meadowbrook Country Club.   grandmother was Waller Jeffress   and primer were used to complete the
       past training tower was condemned five   Known as a summer house, a replica   Roberts. “Gardening was her passion,”   project.
       years ago. Senter noted nearly half of   now watches over the reflecting pool and   He said about his grandmother and   The garden’s restoration includes
       their personnel had less than a decade   the restored Charles Gillette gardens,   as noted by his great-grandmother   the installation of an irrigation system,
       of experience and that they have new   thanks to the vision and seven-year   and great-great grandmother. “It is a   lights throughout the gardens, clearing
       people coming into the organization   effort that included lots of work, lots   beautiful addition, and Leon [Reynolds]   paths, and planting.   Visitors may now
       and they need to focus a lot of time   of hours, and lots of fundraising by the   did a wonderful job.  It is truly an   walk through two tea gardens named the
       and effort on training them in ways of   Women’s Club of Meadowbrook and   identical match.”              “tea trail.” A cutting garden with flowers
       effectively fighting fires.        committee members of the Gillette       Scott McCracken, an architect,   is identified by signage, and a plaque
          “There’s always been a challenge to   Gardens at Meadowbrook Inc., a public   said. “It has been a labor of love, and   with a brief history of the Meadowbrook
       train the next generation of firefighters   charity. Committee members, invited   we enjoyed every minute of it. It is an   gardens has been installed.
       and it’s going to become even more   guests, and descendants of the original   embodiment of our own history.”   The Meadowbrook mansion and
       challenging in the future. Our department   creators of the gardens dedicated the   Leon Reynolds’ company, Reynolds   its 687-acre estate was owned by Mr.
       workforce continues to evolve over time   Lace House and gardens with a ribbon-  Architecture Woodworking, had a huge   and Mrs. Thomas Fox Jeffress. Twenty
       as the more tenured and experienced   cutting ceremony and champagne toast   challenge ahead of them when they took   acres were devoted to a garden full of
       firefighters retire and begin a new chapter   last Wednesday.         on the project. “Chris and Scott were the   surprises, said her daughter-in-law, Mrs.
       in their life and are being replaced by   Diane Murdock-Thorp, president   brains behind it,” Reynolds said.  The   Robert Jeffress, in a 1969 article in the
       younger, less experienced members.   of the foundation, welcomed guests and   first process was to acquire the software   Richmond News Leader. “Many little
       Today, over 45% of our uniformed   gave a brief history of the Lace House,   to be able to program the design into the   vistas would open to the eye as one
       members have less than 10 years of   the original and the construction of the   machine after many measurements were   walked the grounds.”
       experience,” Senter said. “Regular   replica, and a thank-you to all parties   taken. Accoya was the type of wood used,   The original Lace House was
       quality training will be essential in filling   involved in bringing the project to   and it has a guaranteed lifespan of 50   constructed in 1800 by silversmith
       the gap created by this tremendous   realization.                     years. “I didn’t think it would look this   Samuel Myers and was purchased by the
       loss of experience and institutional   Integral parts of the process of   good,” Reynolds said. “It was one of the   Jeffresses for $10 in 1900 for their
       knowledge. In addition, these new   getting the replica off the ground were   most challenging projects we have done.”
                                          descendants and brothers Chris and     Scott McCracken said it is the paint          Read more on page 3
                     Read more on page 3

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