Page 2 - new update of choir199
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                                                         Junior School Boys

                                                              “The Voice”

        The Head of the Institution

        Dear Sir/Madam,
        The year 2018 is very special for Crescent Model Higher Secondary School as we, the staff &
        students celebrate and honour 50 glorious years of our existence in the field of Education. To
        celebrate this very special occasion, Junior School Boys is conducting a singing competition at
        the Inter-School level named, ‘The Voice’ on Saturday/November 17, 2018. The competition
        includes both Solo singing and Choir singing for both girls and boys.
        Please find enclosed detailed information and plan of the event. We sincerely would like your
        school to participate in order to make our Anniversary Celebration a grand success.

        The competition comprises of two categories:
            1.  Thematic Songs: Choir Performance
            2.  Kalam-e-Shair: Solo Performance

        Age Limit: (Each category has a separate age limit for students)

           Sr#                      Category                                      Age-Limit
             1.                 Solo Performance                                 10 – 13 years
             2.                Choir Performance                                 09 – 12 years

            1.  There is no entry fee for the competition.
            2.  Singing Competition will be held according to the age limits provided.
            3.  School can send a group consisting of not less than EIGHT and not more than TEN
               students for group (choir) singing & only one student for solo singing excluding the
            4.  In the Group singing & Solo singing, one student leading and followed by others in
               chorus is not allowed.
            5.  Time Limit – 3 - 4 minutes.
            6.  Participating schools will have to bring their own musical instruments.
            7.  Only theme based songs in their respective languages (English) will be allowed.
            8.  Students of the participating schools should be accompanied by a School
            9.  School uniform is compulsory.
            10. Participants should be present at least 01hr before the commencement of the program.
            11. Entries should reach us, 15 days before the commencement of the competition i.e.
               November 3, 2018.
            12. The decision of the judges will be final.
            13. 1 , 2  and 3  prizes will be awarded.
            14. A Certificate will be awarded to all the participants.
            15. The Host School [The Crescent-Junior School Boys] will not compete with the
               participating schools.
            16. Maximum 4 musical instruments are allowed.
            17. Participants to report at Gate 4(College) by 9:00am.
            18. Program will begin at 10:00am sharp.
            19. School Address: The Crescent School & College, Junior School Boys, 352-Shadman Colony,
            20. Entries can be submitted through e-mail:
        2                                                                                                                                             Year: 2018 - 2019
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