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Research  into the air, the water, and the soil. It is difficult—  But which technologies will enable us to do
          perhaps even impossible—to break because                 that? Can we find technologies that will give
          we need the energy embedded in fossil fuels              us efficient alternatives for fossil fuels, reduce
          to propel the industry and to ensure adequate            excess consumption of energy, and perhaps even
          material conditions and a basic standard of living       absorb the surplus of carbon dioxide from the
          for all of Earth’s inhabitants.                          atmosphere?
          How can the cycle be broken? Is there hope?              The development of such technological solutions
                                                                   is indeed underway—in part, at some of the
          The Problem-Solving Machine                              Technion’s laboratories.

          And yet, forecasts predicting the sad future             Let the Sunshine In
          of our planet’s climate, like many other
          historical predictions concerning nature and the         Solar energy has a long history. Inventors as far
          environment, are not carved in stone. In fact,           back as the seventh century BC were able to focus
          forecasts of this kind have a marked tendency to         sunlight using primitive magnifying glasses. They
          be proven false—but only if certain conditions are       did so to light bonfires or, in somewhat less than
          met.                                                     pleasant circumstances, to set insects on fire.
          When, in 1894, The Times predicted that “in              The ancient Greeks would light “holy” torches
          50 years, every street in London will be buried          using mirrors that reflected and focused sunlight,
          under nine feet of manure,” it failed to consider        a practice that survives to this day as part of
          automobiles, which would, within a period of             the Olympic Games, ensuring—according to the
          twenty years, transform transportation and               International Olympic Committee—that the flame
          eliminate horses as the most widespread mode             remains “ever pure.”
          of travel. When, in 1976, Paul R. Ehrlich published      Pure or not, the Greeks were definitely on to
          The Population Bomb, predicting that hundreds            something. Our planet gets vast quantities of
          of millions of people will die of starvation in
          the coming decades, he failed to grasp the full          According to Prof. Carmel Rotschild,
          significance of the Green Revolution, which in           combining a turbine and a solar panel
          a biological engineering tour de force improved          will enable harvesting over one-third
          the quality and resilience of plants grown in Asia       of the energy locked in sunlight.
          and Africa. As a result of this revolution, Asia
          and Africa, to a large extent, are able to grow and      energy from the star at the center of our solar
          provide their own food today.                            system. If we could use all the energy reaching
          These forecasts and others like them did not take        Earth from the sun in just a single hour, we would
          into account the most crucial element to consider        be able to fulfill all of humanity’s energy needs
          when thinking about the future: The advancement          for an entire year. If we could use all of the solar
          of technology itself.                                    energy hitting a single square mile, we’d have the
          In The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves,        energy equivalent of 4 million barrels of oil.
          Matt Ridley writes: “The human race has become           So why aren’t we?
          a collective problem-solving machine and it solves       One of the most common arguments is that
          problems by changing its ways.” Ridley has little        harvesting solar power is still vastly more
          faith in the apocalyptic forecasts surrounding           expensive than producing energy from fossil
          climate changes for a simple reason: He believes
          that humanity can still turn back the clock on
          global warming, using the power of technology.

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