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News from the Faculty

                       The experimental system in the assembly process

The section was        An innovative experimental system for
  prepared in          embedding theoretical knowledge
   with the            TEACHING INNOVATION A unique         incorporates a new state-of-the-art   students improve the system’s
   Technion            teaching experiment, conducted       STMicroelectronics microprocessor.    performance by integrating the
 Spokesperson          in the Microprocessor Based          In the lab-based course, the          physical model into the control
                       Product Design course, tested        students were asked to control        system—and applying it, in real time,
                       the implementation of theoretical    the movement of a laser beam by       using the microprocessor,” says Prof.
                       aspects taught in the Robotics,      controlling the current supplied to   Izhak Bucher, who developed the
                       Dynamic Control, and Mechatronics    the electromagnetic transducer. The   experiment. The system will receive
                       program through an active learning   students implemented what they        several enhancements and, based
                       system developed especially for the  had learned in the fields of dynamic  on its success, will be incorporated
                       experiment.                          systems, signal processing and        into additional advanced-degree
                       The system, developed by the         control, and programming, in real     courses. “The experimental system
                       Dynamics & Mechatronics Lab          time, in order to guide the system    provides an additional dimension
                       team and built at the Center for     quickly along dictated paths. The     lacking in current teaching methods,
                       Fabrication Systems, was created     experimental system performed         in terms of training students by
                       using 3D printing. The system is     on an equal level to much more        allowing them to perform tasks
                       driven by transducers disassembled   expensive systems. “The fusion of     independently, become acquainted
                       from old computer disks, is fitted   knowledge areas enables students      with the limitations of the theory,
                       with a MicroElectroMechanical        to actively learn the full range of   and expand their understanding of
                       acceleration sensor (MEMS), and      topics involved in the courses. The   it,” concludes Bucher.

                                                  Four generations of graduates

                                                  Among the graduates who completed their bachelor’s degree studies at the end of
                                                  the previous semester was Hagai Kiri, a graduate of the “Brakim” excellence program.
                                                  Kiri, 22, is a fourth-generation Technion graduate in his family. Moshe Dembo, his
                                                  great-grandfather, received his degree as part of the second construction engineering
                                                  graduating class. His grandfather Joseph Dembo, 90, is a civil engineering graduate.
                                                  Hagai’s mother, Yael Kiri Dembo, is a graduate of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering
                                                  and his father, Uri Kiri, is a Mechanical Engineering graduate.

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