Page 32 - ME-07-E
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People  that they can teach candidates             they need. They know better than          happy with the changes in our
        what they need to know—as long             we do.”                                   curriculum. We’re the first of the
        as they have strong foundations to                                                   Technion’s faculties to adopt
        build on.”                                    You also have a complicated re-        this approach, and we’ve done it
                                                   lationship with the private sector        while holding open discussions
           How has this changed the cur-           because they “steal” potential fac-       with existing faculty members
        riculum?                                   ulty from you.                            and our alumni in the private sec-
                                                                                             tor—professionals who know first-
           “Until recently, training in               “That problem does not start           hand their sector’s needs—and,
        mechanical engineering was or-             with the faculty. It starts much ear-     of course, the students. I am also
        ganized around predefined spe-             lier than that, with our advanced         proud that with all these changes,
        cialization tracks. Students were          degree students. I try to convince        we made sure to keep our stan-
        sorted into these tracks early on          our alumni to stay on and study for       dards high despite the pandemic.
        and specialized in these areas             advanced degrees.
        throughout their studies. We real-                                                      “I am proud to say that we’ve
        ized that we needed a more open               “An academic career is a long          managed to recruit six excellent
                                                   and arduous journey: you need to          new faculty members after years
                                                                                             of failing to recruit even a single
             “We went to our most distinguished graduates in                                 one. The market is extremely com-
          industry and asked: ‘what do you want to see in fresh                              petitive. These individuals have ex-
                                                                                             pertise in all aspects of mechanical
            graduates?’ Their answer was unequivocal: ‘strong                                engineering. Recruiting new faculty
        training in foundational disciplines – mathematics, physics                          is a very demanding job, but it’s
                                                                                             very rewarding too. I was happy to
            and engineering’. So we constructed a more flexible                              do it.”
            curriculum, with a wider base and flexible tracks.”
                                                                                                Administrative roles in aca-
        approach, one that would provide           finish your PhD, go overseas for          demia can be very time-consum-
        students with a range of profes-           your post-doc, come back as junior        ing. What did you have to put aside
        sional training options that suited        faculty, work hard to move up the         during those years?
        their individual needs. Of course,         ladder, get tenure, and so on and
        all of this had to be done with-           so forth—and even once you’ve                “My research suffered a serious
        out compromising on quality. The           done all of that, you’ll probably be      blow. When I became dean, I had a
        Technion has a reputation to up-           earning less than a junior engineer       group of 13 students working with
        hold, after all. We cannot make any        at Google or Amazon. People with          me. Most of them have since grad-
        changes without ensuring that the          PhDs in engineering get snatched          uated, and I haven’t recruited any
        standard is maintained.                    up by the private sector. It’s not        new students yet. It will take many
                                                   easy to convince them to stay in          years to build a good team again.
           “We’ve built a broad system that        academia. They need to really want        The dean's role is very demanding
        covers the basics of various as-           it, feel like it’s their calling. But of  and unfortunately doesn't condu-
        pects of mechanical engineering.           course, we are also glad that in-         cive to sustained research work.”
        We’ve established the common               dustry is doing so well,” he laughs,
        foundations for the profession—            “even if it’s at our expense.”               What are your plans for the day
        and if a student successfully pass-                                                  when you’re no longer dean?
        es these courses, they can contin-         “Recruiting faculty is
        ue to forge their own path, within         a very challenging but                       “When I step down, I’ll take
        a certain framework. This change           highly rewarding task”                    some time off and go on a ski trip.
        has passed through several itera-                                                    In the long term, I plan to rebuild
        tions of testing, and we are stay-            Of all Gendelman's achieve-            my research group and strengthen
        ing alert and constantly making            ments, it is this revolution in the       my collaborations with colleagues
        sure it works well. I believe in our       curriculum that brings him the            abroad. Other than that, during my
        students: once they have the fun-          greatest satisfaction. “I’m very          time as dean, I’ve become a grand-
        damentals down, they know what                                                       father. I now have three grandkids,
                                                                                             and I would love to spend a little
                                                                                             more time with them.”

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