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From the President…..continued

         Their objective is promoting abilities and encouraging independence by facilitating clients with
         disabilities to operate enterprises such as Coffee Services. They are located  in the class rooms
         next to WhittleseaU3A in the Peter Lalor Campus. It is pleasing to see increasing interest in
         WhittleseaU3A activities in the Township of Whittlesea and that we now have an information
         “desk” manned in the Whittlesea Community Activity Centre on Monday afternoon. Members
         residing in and around the township of Whittlesea are welcome to drop in any Monday between
         1pm to 3 pm have a cup of coffee and  discuss U3A programs.
         The May Road Lalor Campus office will continue to be manned on Tuesday 12 to 4pm and
         Thursday 9:30 am to 4 pm to service member enquiries and provide support to Class Leaders of
         Classes and Activities offered at the May Road Campus.

         Our current best estimates for the completion date for the dedicated secure access system issue by
         PLVC of final access keys, internet and communications connectivity and fit out of the Community
         Connector area is 29  March.
         Peter Cleary will continue under the terms of our arrangements and commitment to PLVC to be
         the manager in control of the operations of the WhittleseaU3A Peter Lalor Campus.
         Anne Carbis will manage the volunteer team providing office and membership support.

         I thank all committee and support for the efforts of all in developing a “TEAM” spirit in embarking
         on this most exciting WhittleseaU3A development. I know it has been challenging for some, but
         remember we are all working for a common cause – provide quality activities for our members and
         enjoy the involvement. I would in particular on behalf of the Committee thank Peter Cleary for his
         dedication and management of a very difficult project. Please follow Peter’s directions regarding
         the access to the facility, allocation of class rooms and access to resources through the final stages
         of the setup of the facility for ongoing operations.

         TIME CAPSULE 2040
         Engaging seniors and volunteers in Whittlesea

         The City of Whittlesea Council is partnering with Whittlesea U3A and other organisations in the
         area to create a TIME CAPSULE, which will include letters, notes, messages, photos, ideas and
         small objects (must be able to fit in the palm of your hand) representing or symbolizing each
         contributor’s perspective on what life is like in 2018 and their view of what life will look like in the
         year 2040.Wishing all an enjoyable Term 2 and looking forward to seeing you at the monthly
         “Morning Tea” at Epping Memorial Hall or the “Discussions over Coffee” at the Whittlesea
         Community Centre.

                                   Riders with Bronwyn

          Bronwyn was elected to the              Harvey’s  Sunday bike riders. The
          Victorian Parliament to represent the  ride is usually about 20 kms at a
          Thomastown  electorate in November  leisurely pace, mostly along safe off
          2010. She was re-elected in November  road bike paths with a half way rest/
          2014 and is now also serving as the    coffee/refreshment break. These rides
          Government Whip in the Legislative     are conducted  jointly by U3A and the
          Assembly since August 2016.            Whittlesea Bicycle Users Group
          Bronwyn has always had a keen          (BUG). Starting points vary from
          interest in Whittlesea U3A and was     week to week with locations in
          recently invited to ride with Ron         Bundoora, Epping and South Morang.
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