Page 19 - September 2017_Neat
P. 19

Register                                                                                The                                    POSTAGE PAID
for Senior Travel                                                                                                                AUSTRALIA
Seminars                                                                                 Return address
                                                                                         PO Box 512, Flemington 3031
                                                                                         03 8667 1204

Escorted coach                               Cruise Experiences
tour holidays                                for 2018

Tue 10 Oct                                   Wed 11 Oct
10.00am & 2.00pm                             10.00am & 2.00pm

Presented by The Senior Traveller            Presented by The Senior Traveller and
and O’Shannessy’s Quality Tours              Travelrite International

Discover a huge variety of expertly planned  Have you thought about booking a
international and domestic escorted coach    cruise to inspirational and unforgettable
tour holidays.                               destinations?
                                             Find out more about the benefits of
Morning & Afternoon                          cruising, information about ships, what’s
Tea Provided                                 included and about escorted cruising
                                             holidays around the world.

Venue: Media House Auditorium, 655 Collins Street, Melbourne                            #The Senior Victoria - supporting Victorian Seniors Festival since 2000
Bookings essential: 03 8667 1204 or
Cost: Gold Coin Donation to Beyond Blue                                                 *Present your invitation on the day to go into the draw to win travel discount offers.

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