Page 30 - 2020 Primrose School Virtual Brochure
P. 30

Preschool Pathways

        The Primrose Balanced Learning® Wonder Program is designed for children ages 6 weeks to 3 years old who attend the Infant,
        Toddler, Early Preschool and Preschool Pathways classrooms. In the Wonder Program, concepts are introduced and reinforced

        through authentic, integrated learning experiences that tap into young children’s natural learning processes. Observation and
        exploration guided by teachers through nurturing interactions are the primary vehicles for learning. Every learning experience is
        purposeful, with flexibility for teachers to adapt and personalize it for each child. Our proprietary Preschool Pathways curriculum
        is designed for children who turn three years old after the cutoff date for school entrance. The Preschool Pathways program
        bridges the Early Preschool and Preschool programs.

                                            Language and Literacy Development

          WHY: Developing language and literacy skills begins at birth and is a continuous developmental process.
          •  Throughout each day in Preschool Pathways, your child builds vocabulary while engaging in meaningful discussions and
           conversations with adults and peers. You may notice your child using new vocabulary words learned during read alouds,
           hands-on explorations, and daily literacy experiences.
          •  During Og’s Story Time, your child develops listening comprehension skills and a love of reading as teachers read aloud
           good literature and discuss the content in non-fiction books.


          WHY: Positive early experiences with mathematics help children develop confidence and support children’s flexibility,
          inventiveness and persistence in solving problems.
          •  Math is more than counting and recognizing numbers. Your child learns mathematical relationships and reasoning by
           sorting objects and by comparing size and quantity. Through hands-on exploration, your child explores shapes, compares
           objects and solves problems.
          •  Your child develops an understanding of spatial concepts by assembling puzzles, building structures and exploring
           directional vocabulary.

                                            Science and Sensory Development

          WHY: Young children are natural scientists who are curious and filled with wonderment about how the world works.
          •  It’s natural for your child to wonder how something works. Your child has multiple opportunities each day to nurture that
           wonder by asking questions and investigating to make new discoveries about the world.
          •  Your child engages in the beginning stages of the engineering design process by learning to ask questions, design and
           test possible solutions and then redesign new solutions.

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