Page 11 - Runt Pig by Mamo
P. 11

Well, the first thing that had to be done was to clean up the pig. He had never had a bath in all his life, so we got some hot water and Grandmother got a great big sort of tub thing and she gave us soap and some old rags and we gave that pig a bath which pretty nearly frightened him to death.
He didn't like being clean, but we scrubbed him and when he was all scrubbed you know what he looked like? He was black all over with a little white nose and a white stripe down his back and a little, curly, black tail just turned up as tight as a corkscrew.
We looked at him and we were so proud. We thought now, What in the world should we call him?
I'll ask you...
What do you think we called him? What would you like to call him? No, that wasn't what we'd like to call him.
We said we'd like to call him "Runt Piggity Ruddity Do."
Then we decided that that was pretty much of a name for such a little bit of a pig, so we decided to call him Runt Pig for short, and that's what he was all of his days.

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