Page 12 - Runt Pig by Mamo
P. 12
Well, of course, after we got the pig all clean and named he was so tired and exhausted we put him in a soap box that had some rags down in the bottom and we said, "Look at the poor little thing, his sides are so thin you can pretty nearly count his ribs."
So we said, "Couldn't we get a bottle to warm some milk, a baby's bottle, and put some milk in it and put some sugar on the little nipple that the pig was going to suck?"
We gave him some hot milk, not too hot... just nice and warm... with some sugar on the little nipple and the pig just drank that and his sides began to fill out and then he went sound asleep.
Grandmother said, "Now I think the next thing to do would be to clean up you girls because you are simply such an awful sight! I'm not going to have anybody as dirty as you in my house!"
Well, of course, you know she was just teasing us, but nevertheless, she took us inside. She washed my hair, I can remember that because the dirt was even in my hair. Everybody got all cleaned up and then we went back in to look at the pig and we said, "Isn't he the cutest thing you ever saw lying there sound asleep in his little box?"
Well, that went on every day. We didn't give him a bath every day, but whenever he needed it, believe me you he got it! And he loved us and we loved him and every place that we went that little pig trotted along after us all summer long.