Page 14 - Runt Pig by Mamo
P. 14
We'd go out and get the mail every afternoon and finally, we decided that Runt Pig should have a dress. He didn't look too modest lying back in our arms without a dress on, so we made him a dress out of some goods that Grandmother gave us with blue and white checks. It was like a baby's dress, you know.
After that we thought he better have a sunbonnet, so we made him a sunbonnet and we made little holes in the sunbonnet for his ears to go through. When we put that on him, he didn't like it at all. But we did, so then he'd have to wear it.
You know how women are when they get an idea in their heads, they just have to go through with it. Well, we were three little determined women!
So Runt Pig put up with our notions. We would take him out there to get the mail and then we would take him visiting. When we went to the neighbors’ we would always take Runt Pig along with us. He would never run away, he'd just play with us and watch us and we'd watch him.