Page 16 - Runt Pig by Mamo
P. 16
Well, we had a very happy, happy summer and finally about the end of September there came a rainy spell. One of those cold spells where it rains every day. We got so tired of having to stay in the house and on the back porch and one day Runt Pig got tired of it too because when we called him to come in for supper he didn't come.
We went out and looked all around.
We called in front of the house.
We called in back of the house.
"Here Runt Piggy, here Runt Piggy, come Darling, here Runt Piggy." But he didn't come.
So then finally we asked our Grandmother could we put on our raincoats and go out. We went barefooted as we didn't have no overshoes and looked in the barn and in the hen house and all around the whole farm.
We never found Runt Pig.
Finally, Grandmother said, “Girls, you'll just have to go to bed. You can't stay up all night waiting for that pig."
And we said, "If we go to bed will you call us the minute he comes?" “Well, she said, '!f I know it I certainly will."
All during the night when everyone would wake we'd say, "Shhhhh, do you hear the pig?" But we didn't hear a word, not a single cry, not a little whimper, or anything from the pig.
The next morning the cook came upstairs and said, "Girls do come here to the back door and look."
There stood the saddest, wettest, dirtiest, most forlorn Runt Pig you've ever saw in all your life. Where he'd been or what he'd been doing I don't know and he never told us.