Page 113 - Job
P. 113
rebellious. Eliphaz is hot, because of what he thinks is in Job’s heart. Let
me illustrate it. Eliphaz is annoyed at two main things as he begins this first
speech. He is annoyed at the fact that Job is irreverent. 15: 4,12 and13,
“Indeed, you do away with reverence and hinder meditation before
God. Why does your heart carry you away? And why do your eyes
flash, that you should turn your spirit against God and allow such
words to go out of your mouth?”
And so Eliphaz says, you are an irreligious, irreverent person. Don’t you
regard God? Aren’t you afraid of Him? Why are you so rebellious? He is
also angry at the fact that Job will not admit that he is a sinner. You are
hiding your sin. You are a hypocrite, Job. Look at verse 5,
“For your guilt teaches your mouth, and you choose the language of
the crafty.”
Now, in the last cycle of debates, Job suggested that these men were talking
through their hats. They had nothing to offer. I believe if you read chapter 15
you will see that Eliphaz’ feelings got a little hurt. His pride was wounded.
After all, he was the eldest, and experience is supposed to be the best
teacher. And Job dared to call his wisdom hot air? 15:9-10,
“What do you know that we do not know? What do you understand
that we do not? Both the gray-haired and the aged are among us, older
than your father.”
Eliphaz had the idea that he and his two buddies were the mouthpieces of
God. Look at verse 11,
“Are the consolations of God too small for you, even the word spoken
gently with you?”
Job, we did not come here for this. We came here to give you the
consolations of God. We have been telling you God’s will. We have been
trying to be nice to you and explain to you that you are a sinner, and you are
getting mad at us. Our words are the consolations of God. It was shocking
to Eliphaz to think that Job had contempt for their wisdom. The very idea,
Job! This young upstart! Telling us gray-haired old veterans. And so he
gets really sarcastic here. Look at verses 7 and 8,
“Were you the first man to be born, (Are you Adam?) Or were you
brought forth before the hills? Do you hear the secret counsel of God,
and limit wisdom to yourself?”
Oh, tell us, Job. Are you the first one born? Are you Adam? When God was
in the counsel of declaring what He was going to do, were you behind the