Page 143 - Job
P. 143

“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?

           Tell Me, if you have understanding who set its measurements?
           Since you know. Or who stretched the line on it? On what were its
           bases sunk? Or who laid its cornerstone?”
           Job, you were not around when I laid the foundation of the earth and hung
           it in the sky. I did not need you then, Job. And then verse 7,
          “When the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God
           shouted for joy?”
           You  see,  Job,  there  were  beings  that  were  glorious  and  bright  existing
           before you were created. In order to drive this home, I am going to ask
           you to turn for a moment to Ezra chapter 3 verse 10,

          “Now when the builders had laid the foundation of the temple of the
           LORD,  the  priests  stood  in  their  apparel  with  trumpets,  and  the
           Levites,  the  sons  of  Asaph,  with  cymbals,  to  praise  the  LORD
           according  to  the  directions  of  King  David  of  Israel.  They  sang,
           praising and giving thanks to the LORD, saying, ‘For He is good,
           for  His  lovingkindness  is  upon  Israel  forever.’  And  all  the  people
           shouted with a great shout when they praised the LORD because the
           foundation  of  the  house  of  the  LORD  was  laid.  Yet  many  of  the
           priests  and  Levites  and  heads  of  fathers’  households,  the  old  men
           who  had  seen  the  first  temple,  wept  with  a  loud  voice  when  the
           foundation  of  this  house  was  laid  before  their  eyes,  while  many
           shouted  aloud for  joy,  (listen  to the  noise  here) so  that the  people
           could not distinguish the sound of the shout of joy from the sound of
           the weeping of the people, for the people shouted with a loud shout,
           and the sound was heard far away.”
           You see, when the earthly temple was completed, when the foundation of
           the  temple  was  laid,  God’s  people  began  to  sing  and  to  shout.  They
           praised the Lord so loudly that their voices were heard far away. And God
           is saying, Job, when I laid the foundation of the earth something like that
           happened. But it was not men singing and priests singing because they
           were not around. It was the angels of God. The Cherubim and Seraphim.
           And,  Job,  you  should  have  heard  that  choir!  I  finished  creating  the
           universe, and the angels began to  sing  and  praise  and  rejoice.  Were
           you there Job? Did you see that? Did you hear that choir? You see, He is
           overwhelming  Job.  And  then  chapter  38,  verse  8-11,  he  begins  talking
           about the sea.

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