Page 151 - Job
P. 151

things that God told him. But look at chapter 42, verse 3 Job is speaking.
          “I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can
           be  thwarted.  Who  is  this  that  hides  counsel  without  knowledge?
           Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand, things
           too wonderful for me, which I did not know.”
           You say, well, I thought he knew them. Now he says he did not know
          “Hear, now, and I will speak; I will ask You, and You instruct me. I
           have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees

           I knew it! But I did not know it! I have heard  of it! I had all  the right
           answers. I could quote it. It was in my doctrine; it was in my creed. I was
           fundamental,  Bible  believing,  blood  bought,  independent,  Christ-
           centered, four square. I had it right! “But I never saw Him”. I had all the
           answers,  but  I  never  saw God. And  then  he  says,  “Now  my  heart  sees
           you”. The whole message is, He is God! And all you need when you are
           in trouble, going through the problems of life, is to see God! And He is
           the answer!

           As far as the record goes, God never told Job about the devil coming up
           and having that little discussion. We know that because we have the first
           two  chapters.  Job  never  knew  that.  But  notice  what  he    does    in  verse
           “Therefore I retract, and I repent in dust and ashes.”

           Now here is an amazing thing. The purpose of God was not to show Job’s
           insignificance. But he saw his insignificance. The purpose of God was not
           to show his ignorance, but he saw his ignorance. The purpose of God was
           to show Job Himself.  When I really see God, then I will repent in dust
           and ashes. All of the doctrine of the depravity of man, never made him
           repent. What he needed, he got. And that is a full vision of God.

           The full answer to the problems of life is seeing God. Who is Behemoth?
           Who is Leviathan? Why does He bring this up? Let me refresh your mind
           about  the  book  of  Job.  When  it  began,  Job  had  gone    through    these
           terrible things, and these three men who were  his  best  friends  came
           from afar, and they saw him and wept. The Bible says they sat down and
           for  seven  days  they  never  said  a  word.  They  did  not  ask  him  any
           questions;  they  did  not  accuse  him  of  anything;  they  just  sympathized.
           And at the end of seven days, Job thought, at least I have somebody that  I

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