Page 24 - Job
P. 24

ready to deal with. “When you see Him, you will be like Him.” Did Job see
          his  self-righteousness?  He  sure  did.  But  not,  by  discussions  on  human
          depravity. Nobody sees their self-righteousness by discussing theology or by
          psychological examination. Job saw his self-righteousness when he saw his
          God. Now he says, “My eyes seeth Thee; therefore I repent.” And now I
          see myself, but through Your eyes.

          After he saw God, two things changed. He did not say I do not deserve this,
          and he did not say God is my enemy. You see, after he saw the Lord  he
          realized that God was the best friend he ever had. God was the bridegroom
          of his soul. God was the lover of his heart. So the answer to the mysteries of
          life, God’s full answer, is not to make you patient. It is not to show you how
          vile you are, to teach you depravity, to show you the possibilities and the
          propensities of your wicked heart. Not at all! And it is not even to prove
          some silly thing to Satan. That is not the purpose of Job. The purpose of Job
          is to reveal El Shaddai. To see the love of God.

          You can apply it in a million and one ways. God will never allow anything
          in your life for a better reason than that you might know Him.  Know Him
          as the God who is more than enough. Galatians 3:7-8
           “But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as
           loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be
           loss  in  view  of  the  surpassing  value  of  knowing  Christ  Jesus  my
           Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them
           but rubbish so that I may gain Christ,”
           He  always  presents  Himself  as  the  God  who  over  answers  prayers
           (Ephesians 3:20). Glorious results will follow as by-products. Trials are
           going to build your character. Tribulation is going to teach you patience,
           and you are going to have blessings for sure. It will be used in your life to
           minister and assist others. And you are going to abort Satan in your life.
           You will finally cry out, “O wretched man that I am!” But the main thing
           is to see God. All of those other things are BY-PRODUCTS. So, if God
           put  you in the grinder.  If  God has done abrasive things in  your life.  If
           God has engineered your steps so that the bottom falls out and leaves you
           empty. I do not know all the little details, but I know the full answer. I
           know why. People say, why did God allow this in my life? I know why.
           Job tells me why. So you might see God as El Shaddai, as the God Who is
           more  than  enough.  You  see,  God  does  not  enjoy  people  suffering.
           Lamentations  3:33  says  that.  He  takes  no  delight  in  it at  all!  He  is  not
           sadistic. He has no joy in needless suffering. He doesn’t relish seeing you
           squirm. He does not sadistically excavate your nature to get down to the

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