Page 5 - November
P. 5


                                                Dearest Team Members,

                                                This month is for our Technologists! We are thankful for YOU!

                                                Happy National Radiologic Technology Week, November 3-9,
                                                2019! This week celebrates the important role medical imaging
                                                and radiation therapy professionals play in patient care and in
                                                health care safety.

                                                Tech Week is celebrated annually to recognize the vital work of

                                                imaging technologists across the nation.  The celebration takes
                                                place each year during the week that includes November 8th, to
                                                commemorate the discovery of the X-Ray by Wilhelm Conrad
                                                Roentgen on November 8, 1895.

           Please join me in thanking our fantastic technologists for the incredible work they provide to our

           patients every day! You all are truly making a difference in every life you touch!

           Join us for the celebration of festivities this week, as Imaging Leadership, our faculty, the
           Department of Medicine, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, and Department of
           Emergency Medicine recognize and thank our technologists for their talents and partnership in

           every image taken, to support the continuum of care at Bayview Medical Center.

           This month of November we begin two large renovations in the department, 1) Nuclear Medicine
           SPECT CT celebrates their last patient care day on November 18th, as they decommission their
           room and area to begin a large newly advanced renovation of their imaging space and reading
           room space.  The new SPECT CT renovation is expected to last 12 weeks into Feb 2020.  Secondly,

           Interventional Radiology will celebrate their last patient care day on Monday November 25th in
           the Single Plan room, as renovations will also take 12 weeks to install a new state of the art single
           plan room to continue providing the best care to our patients!

           Please also mark your calendars to join us on Thursday November 21st for a thanksgiving seasonal

           potluck starting at 11am – planned for you by the Imaging Engagement Committee! I look forward
           to see you there!

           I wish you a wonderful thanksgiving holiday season with your family and friends and as always,
           thanks for all the hard work you do, each and every day!

           Emily Lee

           Department of Imaging Administrator
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