Page 13 - Prayer Bulletin June 2019 Web
P. 13

Evangelism.                           on the wisdom and encouragement of those
                                              who have walked this path before me. The
        This month we want to introduce to you three  conferences are eye-opening, and the bible
        FCSI students: a Messianic Jewish student in  study is delightful, but it is in the discipleship
        Jerusalem - Talia -, a student leader from the  of Kevin and Lavinia, that I feel truly fed.
        International bible study group in Jerusalem
        - Nathan -, and Anna, an Arab Christian  My name is Anna Sakran, I am 21 years old,
        student and worship leader in Haifa.   from Nazareth, and I study computer science
                                              at Haifa University.
        My name is Talia Bar-David. I’m a first-
        year student at the Hebrew University in  Being a student can be challenging for many
        Jerusalem, and I  study  Hebrew language  reasons, one of them is being away from my
        and Jewish history there. I’ve been blessed  home town church. It is easy to get distracted
        by the different FCSI activities, such as  by my studies and life here in Haifa, but I
        the student conferences and the regular  believe that God has a plan for each person’s
        prayer meetings on campus. The first  life, and if mine is studying in this specific
        conference was meaningful to me, being the  university then He has service for me here!
        first conference, I attended as a student. I
        appreciated the tools we received to reach  I ask for your prayers for each university
        out to non-believers.  I’m thankful for the  and  its  students,  for  all  the  FCSI  groups
        prayer meetings too, which allow us to have  at  the different  universities and  colleges,
        our own time of fellowship and praying, and  I specifically ask for you to pray for Haifa
        provide a “safe place” on the campus.   University - to help us reach more people
                                              and help them to get to know Jesus more.
        I pray that the Lord would give us more  Pray for us to be the light and reflection
        opportunities to share His truth with those  of Jesus in this place, and so that we can
        who don’t know Him, and that He would be  glorify His name
        with  us  as  we  strive  to  serve  Him  as  one
        body. I also pray for the believing students  Please pray for our students, for their
        who  find  themselves doubting  things  once  protection and growth in faith, for
        the encounter academic life. May the Lord  opportunities  to witness  to their  peers
        strengthen our faith and assurance in His  and for  the Lord to  be glorified  on every
        unchanging truth!                     university and college campus in Israel!

        Hey there, my name is Nathan Steinmeyer. I’m  Thank you
        a master’s student at the Hebrew University            FCSI Students & Staff
        of Jerusalem studying the Bible and the
        Ancient Near East. Having Kevin and Lavinia   6.13 HAIFA, The Goldberg Family
        here has been an incredible blessing, and I
        have gained so much out of participating in  March 2019
        FCSI events.                          Friends and family, Shalom,

        It’s great to be able to come together as a  Jonathan. I began this letter a week before
        body, learn, and grow together. Yet, what  elections! Since then, Stephen arrived from
        I appreciate the most is being able to rely  Poland  and we  have had  our  OM  annual
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