Page 2 - Lung ultrasoundTRY
P. 2

  What to look in Lung Ultrasound
Step 1
Do longitudinal view to view the “Bat sign”
Identify the 2 ribs - make sure the two ribs are at the end of screen
Step 2
Identify the pleura (just below in between the two ribs) Identify lung sliding
Step 3
Look for A line below the pleura line
Change to M mode - look for sea shore appearance, Look for lung pulse Scan the posterior zone until reach diaphragm and liver, look for curtain sign.
Step 4
Identify for ANY abnormality
Common Abnormalities in Lung ultrasound
• >3Blinesinoneview • Shred sign
• Lung hepatization
• Seaweed sign
• Lung point
• Spine sign
• M mode - stratosphere , sinosinal pattern

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