Page 16 - OKU IWI Booklet
P. 16
Tūhono kaupapa
1. Identity, Wellbeing and Potential.
2. Raising awareness, understanding and facilitating
participation in intergenerational whanau wellbeing.
3. Key purposes;
> The Māori Affiliation Service
> Research
> Māori Wellbeing development
Tūhono Mobile App
1. The Tūhono Mobile App is free and will enable you to
receive notices and information directly to your mobile
phone from your Iwi AUO's. This App will also serve as
your Tūhono digital membership ID card.
Download it free to your mobile phone from your usual App
store, or by using the QR code below.
Use your mobile phone camera to view the QR code below
then follow the prompt to select the App store for your phone.
The App can also be shared with other whanau.
Contact details
Website -
Email -
Facebook -
Phone: 0800 160 088
PO Box 12437, Chartwell Square, HAMILTON 3248
To request a Tūhono Consent Form, call the Toll Free
Number 0800 36 76 56. Consent forms are distributed
by the Electoral Commission.