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YG 30 Under 30 Program                                     DHS Highlights Enhanced

            With the help of NPGA and The Canadian Propane       Chemical Security Amidst Middle
            Association, The International Association of Young
            Gassers is launching a 30 under 30 Program for 2020.                East Tensions
            This program is aimed at recognizing the top young
            professionals in the propane industry, from drivers,   NPGA is sharing recent information it received from
            technicians, and office workers, to manufacturing shop   the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
            employees, and state or national association employees   regarding increased tensions in the Middle East. The
            – anyone! The only requirements are:                 agency has asked all organizations and associations
                                                                 with which it works to distribute this information to its
            1. Must be between 18 – 29 years old as of January 1st,   members.
                                                                  Specifically, DHS notes certain offensive cyber
            2. Must work for a company involved in the propane   operations that have been attributed to or allegedly
            industry                                             attributed to the Iranian government, which has
                                                                 targeted a variety of industry sectors including most
                                                                 notably the energy and chemical sectors, as well as
                                                                 financial services, healthcare, and communications,
                                                                 among others.

                                                                  DHS’ Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security
                                                                 Agency (CISA) is urging all facilities with chemicals
                                                                 of interest (COI) listed on the Chemical Facility
                                                                 Anti-Terrorism Standards’ (CFATS) Appendix A to
                                                                 consider enhanced security measures to decrease
                                                                 the likelihood of a successful attack. Regardless
                                                                 of whether a facility is tiered under the CFATS
            3. Must be nominated by someone within the propane   regulations, DHS has shared an outline of measures   NPGA NEWS
            industry                                             facilities should consider to increase their physical
                                                                 and cyber protection. That outline is available here.
            Individuals selected for the program will receive:
                                                                 Note that as of January 15, 2020, tiered CFATS
            •  Admission to the NPGA Southeastern Convention &   facilities are not being required to implement the
            International Propane Expo (April 6 – 8)
                                                                 heightened security measures outlined under
            •  Admission to Young Gassers Reception (April 7 in   Risk-Based Performance Standards (RBPS) 13 and
            Nashville)                                           14, though DHS is monitoring the situation and
                                                                 will inform high-risk chemical facilities if there are
            •  Free registration to the Women in Propane 2020    changes that warrant activation of RBPS 13 or 14.
            Leadership Forum
            •  Free Individual membership to NPGA, CPA and YG for 1

            • MUCH MORE!

            Now is the time to recognize your hard-working
            employees who will be the future of the industry!
            Nominate someone today - the application will take less
            than 20 minutes to complete.
            Nomination Form

            Here’s to a bright 2020 and an even brighter future!
            For more information or questions regarding the
            program, please email Steph Hennen at younggassers@

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