P. 134
Customers’ Complaints and Resolution
GLO: 0705-889-0140
The Bank complied with the provision of CBN Circular FPR/
DIR/C IR/GEN/01/020 dated 16 August 2011 on handling
E-Mail customers’ complaints. The Bank, in line with the rules of
the Securities and Exchange Commissions, has imple-
Internal: mented an Investors Enquiries and Complaints Manage-
ment Policy. The Policy is available in the Investor portal on
the Bank’s website.
The Bank’s website also provides an avenue for lodging
whistleblower’s reports. Individuals interested in whis- Statement of Compliance
tleblowing may click on the Customer Service link on the
Bank’s website, scroll down to the whistleblower column, The Bank complies with the relevant provisions of the SEC
and then register, anonymously or otherwise, any allega- and the CBN Codes of Corporate Governance. In the event
tions they want the Bank to investigate. of any conflict between the provisions of the two codes re-
garding any matter, the Bank will defer to the provisions of
The Bank’s Chief Audit Executive is responsible for moni- the CBN Code as its primary regulator.
toring and reporting on whistleblowing. Quarterly reports
are rendered to the Board Audit Committee.
In addition to the foregoing, stakeholders may also report
unethical practices to the Central Bank of Nigeria via anti-
134 Access BAnk Plc
Annual Report & Accounts 2017