P. 168

Consolidated statement of cash flows

                                                                   Group        Group         Bank         Bank
         In thousands of Naira                                 December     December     December      December
         Cash flows from operating activities           Note        2017         2016         2017         2016
         Profit before income tax                              80,072,480    90,339,456    67,043,501    80,579,576

         Adjustments for:
         Depreciation                                     28   11,237,951     9,106,886    9,499,180    7,774,591
         Amortization                                     29    2,407,886     2,186,905    1,946,601    1,854,437
         Gain on disposal of property and equipment       13      (10,090)    (167,340)       (902)     (143,985)
         Gain on disposal of available for sale securities   13        -      (16,206,410)        -      (16,206,410)
         Impairment on financial assets                    9   34,466,868    21,952,819    29,149,849    17,641,128
         Additional gratuity provision                    14      753,058     1,207,851     753,058     1,196,995
         Restricted share performance plan expense        14    1,170,693     1,061,070    1,023,860     884,777
         Property and equipment written off               28           -       361,001            -      155,143
         Net interest income                               8   (163,451,545)   (137,289,619)   (131,537,034)   (116,017,406)
         Unrealised foreign exchange loss on revaluation  12   12,330,254     5,246,704    12,526,107    5,326,545
         Dividends on available for sale equity securities  13   (2,357,175)   (860,339)   (2,357,175)   (860,339)
                                                              (23,379,620)   (23,061,016)   (11,952,955)   (17,814,948)
         Changes in operating assets
         Non-pledged trading assets                            (2,532,464)    7,622,062    1,612,589    7,622,062
         Derivative financial instruments                      39,272,532    (50,771,390)   38,413,712    (50,061,510)
         Pledged assets                                      (132,166,902)   (111,232,105)   (125,555,825)   (114,482,878)
         Restricted deposits                                  (93,261,157)   (130,490,427)   (92,845,896)   (129,978,902)
         Loans and advances to banks and customers           (157,481,610)   (376,205,828)   (146,875,704)   (293,285,572)
         Other assets                                         (22,207,412)   17,588,435    (17,301,652)   24,813,416

         Changes in operating liabilities
         Deposits from financial institutions                 282,378,081    94,853,538    180,413,510    32,098,779
         Deposits from customers                              128,556,097    368,213,235    73,170,265    279,424,380
         Other liabilities                                    140,342,933    44,215,293    131,156,489    43,444,581
         Payment to  gratuity benefit holders                    (707,744)           -      (707,744)          -
         Interest paid on deposits to banks and customers    (101,532,364)   (77,202,482)   (90,953,447)   (62,659,950)
         Interest received on loans and advances              204,920,752    228,932,846    173,647,956    162,170,378
                                                              262,201,122    (7,537,839)   112,221,298   (118,710,164)

         Income tax paid                                       (9,458,675)   (8,007,140)   (7,860,615)   (5,222,302)
         Net cash generated from/(used in) operating activities   252,742,447   (15,544,979)   104,360,683    (123,932,466)

         Cash flows from investing activities
         Acquisition of investment securities                (933,672,018)   (512,931,206)   (600,884,620)   (442,207,340)
         Interest received on investment securities            58,941,173    38,148,395    44,099,567    23,716,900
         Investment under management                                   -      (1,830,000)         -      (1,830,000)
         Dividend received                                13    2,357,175      860,339     2,357,175     860,339
         Acquisition of property and equipment            28   (22,624,987)   (18,042,759)   (22,383,831)   (14,703,152)
         Proceeds from the sale of property and equipment          236,341     562,167       214,780     436,417
         Acquisition of intangible assets                 29   (3,454,724)   (2,537,024)  (2,754,724)   (2,050,313)
         Proceeds from disposal of asset held for sale             30,000       39,116       30,000       39,116
         Proceeds from matured investment securities           347,565,681    121,997,751    248,075,428    110,725,856
         Additional investment in subsidiaries                         -             -      (27,678,395)   (12,350,316)
         Proceeds from sale of investment securities          543,982,533    403,664,891    425,785,910   388,554,135
         Proceeds from sale of equity investments                      -      16,347,587          -      16,347,587
         Net cash generated from investing activities          (6,638,826)   46,279,257    66,861,290    67,539,229

          168 Access BAnk Plc
              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
   163   164   165   166   167   168   169   170   171   172   173