P. 274

The following table shows the undiscounted cash flows on the Group’s financial assets and liabilities and on the basis of their earliest possible contractual maturity. The Gross nominal inflow

                                 Basis on which amounts are compiled Undiscounted cash flows, which include estimated interest payments. Earliest possible contractual maturity. For issued financial guarantee contracts, the maximum amount of  the guarantee is allocated to the earliest year in which the guarantee could be called. Contractual undiscounted cash flows. The amounts shown are the gross nominal inflows and outflows for  derivatives that have simultaneous gross se
                       / (outflow) disclosed in the table is the contractual, undiscounted cash flow on the financial liability or commitment.

                  Liquidity risk management   The amounts in the table below have been compiled as follows:  type of financial instrument Non-derivative financial liabilities and financial assets Issued financial guarantee contracts, and unrecognised loan commitments Derivative financial liabilities and financial assets held for risk management   purposes Trading derivative liabilities and assets forming part of the Group’s propri- etary trading operations that are expect

          274 Access BAnk Plc
              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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