P. 5
s an organization focused on taking the lead in our rapidly
evolving and increasingly complex business environment,
we constantly seek to anticipate and solve problems of
Aour consumers and stakeholders. At Access Bank, we
embrace a culture of innovation— through an enterprise-wide
approach, we channel resources towards the development of
promising ideas that translate into profit for today and sustain-
able business growth for tomorrow.
Now more than ever, the effective implementation of sustainable
business practices is a critical factor for achieving financial growth.
On a global scale, consumers, investors and other drivers of eco-
nomic growth consider sustainability as a measure of business per-
formance. For an institution like ours, it is imperative that we invest our
resources in activities that are economically progressive, environmen-
tally conscious and socially responsible. This is why the Bank has har-
nessed the power of innovation as a tool for implementing sustainable
development, as reflected across every aspect of our business, from our
core values to our product delivery.
We are paving the way and re-engineering the face of Africa
through sustainable innovations in financial technology, digital
advancement and sustainable development. In 2017, our inno-
vations translated to impressive financial growth and continued
to position us as the forward-thinking digital bank of the future. We
continued to improve our service touch-points as we further deep-
ened our retail play with emphasis on cheaper funding. Some of our
revolutionary initiatives include the digital innovation hub, The Africa Fin-
tech Foundry; the artificial intelligence app Tamara; and our inclusive banking
programme ‘Save Today, Take Tomorrow Initiative’.
We remain committed to exploring new frontiers and inventing new sustainable
models, processes and solutions that ensure ‘Innovation for a sustainable future’. As
we continue to imbibe and nurture a culture of innovation, our business decisions re-
main governed by the fundamental resolve to operate with the future generations in mind.
The future is bright at Access Bank and our innovative strategies are illuminating our pathway
to a sustainable future.
Service matters to our cus-
Rapid response and quick tomers, whose expectations
access to advice, information have risen dramatically. SECURITY
and products are important to
all customers. Service is both qualitative and Security is fundamental to
quantitative. It has much to do customers. They need to be
Our ability to translate effec- with how customers feel and able to trust us to manage
tive governance and leverage how long they have to stand in their finances responsibly.
employees’ competence to a queue. 95% of customers surveyed
deliver swift and appropriate say that security is the most
responses to customers is a Our customers appreciate important factor in choosing
significant competitive ad- that we treat everyone with to bank with us.
vantage. respect and consideration.
Access BAnk Plc 5
Annual Report & Accounts 2017