Page 27 - The Cell and Its Components
P. 27

thylakoids. The thylakoids are often arranged into
                    stacks called granum as shown in the picture
                    below. The granum are connected by disc-like
                    structures called lamella.
                  Pigments - Pigments give the chloroplast and the
                    plant its color. The most common pigment is
                    chlorophyll which gives plants their green color.
                    Chlorophyll helps to absorb energy from sunlight.
                  Other - Chloroplasts have their own DNA and
                    ribosomes for making proteins from RNA.

             Chloroplasts use photosynthesis to turn sunlight into
             food. The chlorophyll captures energy from light and
             stores it in a special molecule called ATP (which stands
             for adenosine triphosphate). Later, the ATP is combined
             with carbon dioxide and water to make sugars such as
             glucose that the plant can use as food.
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