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                   8.  The Action Plan. Plans are only intellectual exercises unless they are
                       transformed into action. This calls for people assigned responsibility for any
                       part of the plan to carry out their assignments according to the agreed upon
                       contract. This is the phase of problem- solving that calls for people to do what
                       they have said they would do.

                   9.  Provide for Evaluation And Accountability. After the plan has been
                       implemented and sufficient time has elapsed for it to have an effect, the group
                       should reconvene and discuss evaluation and accountability. Have the agreed
                       upon actions been carried out? Have people done what they said they would
                              If they have not accomplished their assignments, it is possible that they
                       ran into trouble that must be considered. Or it may be that they simply need to
                       be reminded or held accountable for not having lived up to their end of the
                       contract. Once the actions have been completed, it is necessary to assess
                       their effectiveness. Did the solution work? If not, can a revision make it work?
                       What actions are necessary to implement changes?

                       Other Considerations
                              Keeping adequate records of all steps completed (especially
                       brainstorming) can allow energy to be "recycled." Falling back on thinking that
                       was previously done makes it unnecessary to "plow the same ground twice."
                              When entering into problem-solving, remember that it is unlikely that
                       the best solution will be found on the first attempt. Good problem- solving can
                       be viewed as working like a guidance system: The awareness of the problem
                       is an indication of being "off course," requiring a correction in direction. The
                       exact form the correction is to take is what problem-solving is aimed at
                       deciding. But once the correction (the implemented solution) is made, it is
                       possible that, after evaluation, it will prove to be erroneous--perhaps even
                       throwing you farther off course than in the beginning.

                                                             Date Developed:
                          SECTOR         ELECTRONICS                             Document No.
                                                               May 04, 2020
              RTC                                                                Issued by:
          ZAMBOANGA       QUALIFI-         COMPUTER          Developed By:                         Page 102
               City       CATION             SYSTEM           Mario Elmer B.     Revision #___     of 115
                                        SERVICING NC II             Tolo
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