Page 140 - MarTol Css Cblm Basic
P. 140


                    Responsibility
                              Every company has its own rules and regulations. It is the responsibility
                      of each and every worker to follow them.
                    Perseverance
                              Be patient in handling task. Try to finish your work assignment on time,
                      no matter how boring it is.
                    Ability to follow instruction
                              Make  everything  clear  before  your  start  on  your  task.  Read  and
                      understand the instruction. If something is vague, don‘t be afraid to ask.
                    Attitude towards supervisor
                              You  cannot  attain  success  all  by  yourself.  You  need  to  bring  other
                      people  into  your  lives.  You  cannot  afford  to  get  along  without  them.  Try  to
                      develop  a  smooth  relationship  with  your  co-  workers.  Be  ready  to  lend  a
                      helping  hand.  Surely,  when  the  time  comes  when  you  need  their  help  they
                      would be more than willing to give it to you.
                    Dependability
                              You must be relied upon to perform other tasks. Make your supervisors
                      feel you are there when you are needed, producing the right outputs.
                    Personality
                              Personal qualities and characteristics are important. At all timed, make
                      sure  you  conduct  yourself  properly  to  gain  respect.  Do  away  with  bad
                      behaviors that  will offend  others. Pay  attention  to  your appearance.  Be  neat
                      and clean every time you report to work.

               THE DON’TS WHEN WORKING

                    Don’t create false impressions
                              Be yourself. Don‘t try to impress your supervisors nor your co-workers
                      by pretending to be what you are not. Exert effort rather than impress.
                    Don’t steal credit
                              If most of the work is done by your co-workers give his/her credit for it.
                      Don‘t  ―steal‖  the  credit  or  acknowledge  the  work  as  yours  because  of  the
                      desire to advance in position.
                    Don’t slander others
                              Making up stories to put down others is foolish. This will never pay-off.
                      Never gossip about the misdeeds or misfortune others.
                    Don’t be a blind follower
                              The company/ industry have set policies and guidelines of employees/
                      workers to follow. If your supervisor gives you orders that you very well know
                      are against company/ industry rules, don‘t accept the order.
                    Don’t openly criticize company/ industry policies/ directives
                              If  you  feel  the  need  to  challenge  certain  industry  policies,  be  tactful.
                      Choose the right place and the right time.

                    Don’t carry your problems to work

                                                             Date Developed:
                          SECTOR         ELECTRONICS                             Document No.
                                                               May 04, 2020
              RTC                                                                Issued by:
          ZAMBOANGA       QUALIFI-         COMPUTER          Developed By:                         Page 139
               City       CATION             SYSTEM           Mario Elmer B.     Revision #___     of 256
                                        SERVICING NC II             Tolo
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