Page 203 - MarTol Css Cblm Basic
P. 203


               What occupational health indicators are generated?

                       Most state public health or labor departments calculate the 19 occupational health
               indicators  listed  below.  Depending  on  the  type  of  industries  and  jobs  in  a  state  and  the
               availability  of  data,  some  states  have  developed  additional  indicators  to  better  measure
               worker health in their state. At the current time,

               The 19 occupational health and safety indicators

               Occupational Illnesses and Injuries Combined

                        Indicator 1:   Non-fatal injuries and illnesses reported by employers
                        Indicator 2:    Work-related hospitalizations

               Acute and Cumulative Occupational Injuries
                        Indicator 3:    Fatal work-related injuries
                        Indicator 4:    Amputations reported by employers
                        Indicator 5:    Amputations identified in state workers‘ compensation systems
                        Indicator 6:    Hospitalizations for work-related burns
                        Indicator 7:    Musculoskeletal disorders reported by employers
                        Indicator 8:    Carpal tunnel syndrome cases identified in state workers‘
                                     compensation systems

               Occupational Illnesses
                       Indicator 9:    Pneumoconiosis hospitalizations
                       Indicator 10:    Pneumoconiosis mortality
                       Indicator 11:    Acute  work-related  pesticide  poisonings  reported  to  poison  control
                       Indicator 12:    Incidence of malignant mesothelioma

               Occupational Exposures
                        Indicator 13:   Elevated blood lead levels among adults

                                                             Date Developed:
                          SECTOR         ELECTRONICS                             Document No.
                                                               May 04, 2020
              RTC                                                                Issued by:
          ZAMBOANGA       QUALIFI-         COMPUTER          Developed By:                         Page 202
               City       CATION             SYSTEM           Mario Elmer B.     Revision #___     of 256
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