Page 93 - MarTol Css Cblm Basic
P. 93


                                          INFORMATION SHEET 2.2-2
                                      TEAM STRUCTURE/TEAM ROLES

               Learning objectives:

                       1.  Use high interaction among members of the team to increase trust and
                       2.  Able to apply inter personal skills

               Team and Individual

                       In a team, individual members tend to be highly aware of their responsibility,
               whether it stems from social pressure or the fulfillment of personal need.  Teams are
               capable  of  performing  functions  and  achieving  some  goals  more  efficiently  and
               accurately  than  individuals  can.  Although  there  is  evidence  that  individuals
               sometimes perform better than teams, the quality of decision making is much high in
               teams working under certain conditions.

                       The  team  and  the  individual  members  are  dependent  on  each  other.  Their
               relationships play a vital role in the success of the team. As the individual member
               grows and matures, so does the team.

               To perform effectively a team requires three different types of skills:
                     It needs people with technical expertise.
                     It needs people with the problem solving and decision making skills to be able
                       to  identify  problems,  generate  alternatives,  evaluate  those  alternatives  and
                       make competent choices.
                     Teams  need  people  with  good  listening,  feedback,  conflict  resolution  and
                       other inter personal skills.

                       No team can achieve its performance – potential without developing all three
               types of skills. The mix is crucial.  Too much of one at the expense of others will
               result  in  lower  team  performance.    But  team  doesn‘t  need  to  have  all  the
               complementary skills in place at the beginning. It is not uncommon for one or more
               members  to  take  responsibility  to  learn  the  skills  in  which  the  group  is  deficient,
               thereby allowing the team to reach its full potential.

               Intra Group Development
                       The  activities  considered  in  team  building  typically  include  goal  setting,
               development of interpersonal relations among team members role analysis to clarify
               each member‘s role and responsibilities and team process analysis.  Of course team
               building may emphasize or exclude certain activities depending on the purpose of
               the development effort and the specific problems with which the team is confronted.
               Basically, however team building attempts to use high interaction among members to
               increase trust and openness.

                                                             Date Developed:
                          SECTOR         ELECTRONICS                             Document No.
                                                               May 04, 2020
              RTC                                                                Issued by:
          ZAMBOANGA       QUALIFI-         COMPUTER          Developed By:                         Page 92 of
               City       CATION             SYSTEM           Mario Elmer B.     Revision #___     256
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