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P. 14


                                             INFORMATION SHEET 1.1-1
                                                 PARTS OF SPEECH

               Learning Objectives:
                              After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, you MUST be able to:
                   1. Determine the Parts of Speech
                   2. Identify the eight parts of speech
                   3. Define each of the eight part of the speech
                   3. Learn and apply each part of the speech in constructing a sentence.

               THE PARTS OF SPEECH
                       There are  thousands of  words  in any  language.  But  not all  words  have  the
               same job. For example, some words express "action". Other words express a "thing".
               Other words "join" one word to another word. These are the "building blocks" of the
               language. Think of them like the parts of a house. When we want to build a house,
               we use concrete to make the foundations or base. We use bricks to make the walls.
               We  use  window  frames  to  make  the  windows,  and  door  frames  to  make  the
               doorways. And we use cement to join them all together. Each part of the house has
               its own job. And when we want to build a sentence, we use the different types of
               word. Each type of word has its own job.

               What are the Parts of Speech?
                       ―Parts  of  speech‖  are  the  basic  types  of  words  that  English  has.  Most
               grammar books say that there are eight parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives,
               adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions and interjections.

               The Noun
                       A noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract
               idea. Nouns are usually the first words which small children learn. The highlighted
               words in the following sentences are all nouns:

                    1.  Late last year our neighbours bought a goat.
                    2.  Portia White was an opera singer.
                    3.  The bus inspector looked at all the passengers' passes.
                    4.  According to Plutarch, the library at Alexandria was destroyed in 48 B.C.
                    5.  Philosophy is of little comfort to the starving.

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