Page 89 - Dockside Magazine Muskoka, Summer/Fall 2018
P. 89

 Outdoor movie nights made easy
It’s a warm summer night
at the cottage and the stars are sparkling above while you enjoy Hollywood’s brightest on an outdoor screen from the comfort of a Muskoka chair. It’s like having your own drive-in theatre on site without the fuss of leaving your property.
Outdoor movie nights are easier than ever thanks to home entertainment tech advancements, says Dave Fast of Fast Homes.
“Grab a bag of popcorn, some Twizzlers and your favourite beverage and head outside for a fantastic movie experience,” says Dave, who co-owns Fast Homes with his wife Lisa. “There’s something extremely nostalgic about watching movies with your loved ones in the great outdoors.”
New, innovative multi- purpose projection screens are portable, lightweight, wireless, motorized and can be easily mounted and stored away after use. You can truly put an image where you want it with no wires.
“We can install bracket mounts in various locations,” says Dave. “They even have suction cup brackets for glass, so you can easily move the lightweight screens wherever you need them.” The lithium battery that operates the screen motor will last up to two years on a single charge.
Bunkie conversion
Dave recently completed
a project for a client who wanted to add entertainment to a bunkie, so the kids could have a place to hang out during family gatherings.
Fast Homes turned the bunkie into a dual-purpose
room complete with sleeping area and entertainment. The cottager was ecstatic about the results. The brothers, sisters and cousins can now be as loud as they want – or pump up the volume on a movie – and the parents can enjoy adult time in the main cottage.
The projector, speaker and other elements are mounted seven feet or more above
the floor, to avoid accidental knock-overs when the bunkie
needed for a superb flexible system can cost around $20,000.
“There are a host of affordable audio and video solutions we can add to
the cottage entertainment experience without breaking the bank,” says Dave. “Home entertainment technology has come a long way and it
is opening doors – in some cases literally – to a world of entertainment options.”
wiring and conduit during construction. Pre-wiring gives you options to integrate upcoming technology in your new cottage.
But, if a pre-wire for service wasn’t in the cards, don’t fret: Dave and the Fast Homes team are adept at retrofitting cottages and bunkies for wireless home automation. Entertainment systems, internet access, lighting controls and more can be integrated.
“We can look at adding wireless access points and boosters to your network to improve your coverage,” says Dave.
Experienced cottagers
Longtime Muskoka cottagers, Dave and Lisa understand what it takes to entertain family and friends on a regular basis. Between Muskoka and Toronto, Dave has 25 years’ experience automating homes and cottages.
The Fast Homes certified team is trained to sell, install and service all their products. They work with designers and builders to make sure clients get exactly what they need. Dave says their goal is to build systems that are so reliable that they don’t have to make service calls.
They do free consultations and can advise on the best course of action on your property.
“Creating a smart cottage with great WiFi and extensive entertainment options is key to an amazing family experience,” says Dave. “It provides a variety of options – and many fun movie nights under the stars.” DS
“Outdoor movie
nights are easier than ever, thanks
to home entertainment advancements.”
is full. The speakers have
an ultra-low profile and
the retractable projection screen is ultra-thin. Both are very kid-friendly styles of equipment.
“It’s a really rustic bunkie which still has the cottage feel,” says Dave. “We made
it user-friendly with the entertainment upgrades. It’s a really fun place to hang out whether you’re a kid or
an adult.”
The new projection screen approach can dramatically reduce the cost of creating entertainment areas. Full-on, built-in theatre rooms are more involved; the screen and other components
WiFi at your cottage
Having superb WiFi service has become an important part of cottage life, allowing unbroken access to Netflix, Spotify, Sonos and other streaming services.
“Whether at the dock, the fire pit or the boathouse, our clients and their families want good coverage everywhere,” says Dave. “Many of our clients also want a quality theatre or media room to escape to.”
Whenever possible, pre- wiring for home automation is the ideal situation. While Fast Homes is adept at wiring existing structures, it is much more cost-effective to install

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