Page 104 - 2022 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 104

WHAT IS NEW and on the TO DO                      AN EXTRA
        FOR  22?    Cont. from pg 68  Full article                                                       Last season
        begins   pg.                                   COUPLE DAYS                                        a Michigan
        10  Anchor                                                                                        angler was
        Point  Bistro                                   OF FISH CAN                                       caught and
        page 27 - St.                                                                                        charged
        Clair, MI - has                                   COST YOU                                         with hold-
        been  voted                                                                                       ing about 7
        Best  of  the                                        BIG $$$                                       extra days
        Best sever-                                                                                           limit of
        al times.  No                                                                                perch along with
        question they                                                                                  1.5 days extra
        deserve  this                                                                                walleye limit and
        award   with                                                                                    was charged
        A LW AY S     The Anchor Point (TAP) Bistro Sea-                                                    $7,930 in
        fant ast ic   food, steaks, breakfast, and every-                                                 restitution.
        food     and  thing in the middle - lots of delicious                                               Besides a
        great “photo  options.  If we are in the “bar hopping                                           stiff fine, you
        worthy pre-   mood” TAP offers a great appetizer
        sentations.”   menu - we think the “best” around                                                may also risk
        Their season-  Charcuterie Board is found here                                               additional court
        ally changing   loaded with plenty of fine cheeses                                           costs along with
        menu items       and meats, olives, and more!                                                losing your fish-
        focus     on                                                                                   ing privileges.
        “fresh” but FUN heartier
        / healthier food choices                        MI DNR: Walleye - Open all  Year L. Erie,   Anglers may
        vs. over saturated deep                         Detroit R., L. St. Clair and St. Clair R.:  The   possess one
        fried items to keep ev-                         daily possession limit is 6 walleye through
        eryone  coming  back  -                         April 30, 2022. The daily possession limit for   day limit of fresh
        and they can cater and                          Walleye will be set on May 1, 2022 @       catch, and an
        bring  a  bar  &  staff  to                     ( and in prerecorded   additional two
        your location!                                  message 888-367-7060. Minimum size limit   days’ limit of fish
             In need for a quick                        for walleye: L. Erie and Detroit R. - 15”.  L.   as long as they
        carry out to take a stroll                      St. Clair and St. Clair R. - 13”.          are processed
        along the boardwalk for                for all spe-     (fish from previ-
        a picnic  lunch?    TAP                           cies fishing regulations specific for   ous days must be
        Bistro’s 2nd operation
        inside the Riverview                              Lake St. Clair & connecting waters.    canned or frozen).
        Plaza  offers  special-
        ty  coffees,  smoothies,
        sandwiches, hot items,
        breakfast items  -  and   TAP Cafe - Dine in or
                              take fast carry out break-
          Mike from            fast / lunch / coffees &
          OH loves                much more & go
            using                enjoy the Boardwalk
           “wacky                across the street.
           worms”!                    are    quickly
                                      offered.    You
                                      may use the
                                      “street  side”
                                      door    facing
                                      the boardwalk
                                      at  TAP  Cafe
                                      page 26.  Nice
                                      too, they only
                                      provide  carry
                                      out in earth                    OUR NATURAL WILDLIFE
                                      friendly  con-
                                      tainers.                  MUST BE PRESERVED & SUSTAINED
                                      Cont.  pg  105               for our continued enjoyment.

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