Page 44 - 2022 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 44

                                                              An Update from Save Our South Channel
                                                                      Lights (SOSCL) Organization
                                                              house  tower  has  damages or performing regular mainte-
                                                              been    completed   nance without worry of being attacked.
                                                              and is a strong bea-  SOSCL partnered with the Detroit Zoo
                                                              con of resiliency to  for many years to get the birds off the
                                                              all who see her.    endangered species list, which they’ve

        “The Save Our South Chan-
        nel Lights non-profit all volun-
        teer organization” is excited
        about tending the lights, re-
        storing the fence, and repair-
        ing the outhouse and badly
        damaged shed. These struc-
        tures have deteriorated due
        to strong waves over the past
        few years. Thanks to the te-                   The “common tern” birds have  succeeded in doing. Moving the habi-
        nacity of the directors and volunteers,   grown in number and spread their hab-  tat is a new task because of the great
        the towers of the twin sisters remain   itat onto the rear lighthouse island so  need  to get back to restoring these
        intact. The front light is listing but has   much that it is now difficult and danger-  lighthouses.
        been stabilized both inside and out.   ous to occupy the rear island to assess        Some of this year’s fundraising
        She is ready for straight-                                                events include  the  Annual  Member-
        ening   once   enough                                                     ship  Meeting-April,  Algonac  Antique
        funding  is  raised.  Res-                                                Boat Show-June, Harsens Island
        toration of the rear light-
                                                                                  Field Day-August,  Algonac Rotary Art

         Continued from page 16 - Local boat builder “Sunsation”
         celebrates 40th anniversary.  At right, pictorial of boats we
         still see around Lake St. Clair from the 80’s to today.

                                                                   1986-87           1992-2002          1994-2015
                                                              Extraordinary 24’     Aggressor 25’    288 Intimidator

                                                                 1982-1986          1987-1992         1993-2013
                                                                Sunburn 16’        Rocket 24’       Dominator 32’

               Early 2000 Model Sunsation - 25’ Aggressor

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