Page 58 - 2022 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 58

Gordie Howe                      of this article.                    Annual Temporary Closures
                                             Construction of the main bridge
        International Bridge                 tower footings was complete last    on the St. Clair River for Events
                                             season on  the US and  Canadian
                        Have    you   been             Bridging  North America rec-
                        down  the Detroit    ognized the outside panels of the
                        River lately?  A ride   tower crane four climbing sys-
                        downtown  to  see    tems (pictured  below)  provided
                        the building  of the   perfect  canvasses  for painting   Sunday, July 31      Sunday,
                        Gordie  Howe  In-    murals. The  murals  you  see will   Closure applies to  ALL   Aug. 21
                        ternational Bridge   remain on  these climbing  sys-    non-commercial  vessel  FLOAT DOWN
                        this  season will    tems for approximately two years   traffic. Coast  Guard will   see page 93.
        provide many images you will want    before being repurposed once the   establish a safety zone in   River closed
        to share with our future generations   bridge is complete.              front of the City of St. Clair   from noon-8pm
        while construction workers  make          There are four murals on the   @ times from 11am-6pm   from Port Huron
        history.                             US side and 6 on the Canadian.     for the Offshore Races.     to Marysville
                                                                                There could be temp. clo-
             Publicly owned by the Govern-   The largest being 49’ x 29’ and can   sures  on  Saturday  from   only.  This
        ments of Canada and Michigan, this   be admired from the road and by    11am-6pm during boat   closure applies
        $5.7 billion project includes the Ca-  boat.                            testing.  Boater’s can con-  to ALL motorized
        nadian  and  US  Ports of  Entry,  the        Artwork from local artists from   tact the Coast Guard on   vessel traffic.
        bridge, and Michigan Interchange.     Canada’s Walpole Island First Na-  VHF-FM Channel 16.
        The new bridge, about 10 minutes     tion  Paul  White,  Teresa  Altiman
        south by car of the current Ambas-   and  Daisy  White,  Naomi  Peters
        sador Bridge which was completed     from Caldwell First Nation, and Ro-  resents the Mexican culture and re-
        in  1929, is  planned  to  be  open  to   berto Villalobos from southwest De-  gion heritage / Spirit of Detroit rep-
        traffic by the end of 2024...with 2022   troit who were asked to participate.   resents the downtown Detroit statue
        and 2023 being the busiest time of        As you boat by, here are what the   with the sunset and waterfront / and
        bridge  construction  as they span   artists chose to represent:          the American Flag
        across the river to meet in the mid-       Canada - Bear represents determi-  BRIDGE FACTS
        dle - what a day that will be!       nation / Eagle represents the belief       The new Canadian Port of Entry at
                IMPACTS to                   of the First Nation peoples that ea-  130 acres will be the largest Canadi-
          RV RESORTS / CAMPING - Bring your Boat!
              Marine Traffic                 gles communicate directly with the  an port along the Canada-US Border,
                                             Creator.  / Hoop Dancer represents  and  the U.S.  side  will  encompass
                 According  to  the  press releas-  the Pot-                                              167   acre
        es, the bridge  will  span across the                                                             Port of En-
        Detroit River with  no  permanent or                                                              try, one of
        temporary  elements located in the                                                                the largest
        river below.  This approach will en-                                                              in   North
        sure minimal disruption to the busy                                                               America.
        river traffic.                                                                                              With
             Given the project will be con-  tawatomi and Chip-                                          a     “clear
        structed over water, Bridging North  pewa culture / Turtle                                       span”    of
        America continues  to  provide  in-  represents  the  First                                      0.53 miles,
        formation and collaborate with the  People’s     Creation                                        the  Gordie
        US and  Canadian Coast Guards,  story / Maple Leaf                                               Howe     In-
        and  other relevant agencies to  en-  synonymous      with                                       ternation-
        sure the safety of the marine traffic.   Canada.                                                 al   Bridge
        Ongoing  communications  will  be            U.S.  -  Workers‘                                   will   have
        shared with the maritime community  Silhouettes     repre-                                       the  longest
        during construction.  Links and so-  sent   the   regions                                        main span
        cial media for continued info at end  Iron Workers / American Eagle rep-  continued on page 94

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