Page 80 - 2022 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 80

Enjoy full service tea & brunch              New Baltimore         Watercraft Insurance
                                                                   Breakwall &
              in our several inviting warm Victorian rooms
             Pink House                                          “Public” Marina

              Tea Room                                                 News

                                                                   Proven to be eco-
                                                              logically friendly for
                                                              increased fish hab-
                                                              itats  while  keep-
                                                              ing a natural water
                                                              flow throughout the
                                              2nd Floor       basin for a healthy
                                                              beach and kayak
      TIMORE                            Baking delicious scones   multi-system “rock”         (((()   (-----
                                                              launch, this  new
                                                              will shield the  ma-
                                                                                              NEW BALTIMORE
                                                              rina from  incoming
                                            for 27 years!
       BAL                             Online Reservations    waves.   Based  on   finger dockage from 16 to 40 wells with
                                                                                  power and water will be designed in so
                                                              design, New Bal-
                                                                                  a phased-in plan will include overnight
                                        Walk-ins Welcome!
                                                              timore should be
                                                              able  to   receive  dockage with shower facilities in future
           36341 Front St., New Baltimore - Phone (586)859-8814  significant   grant   years to help support the annual main-
                                                    tenance costs.
                                                                                       The New Baltimore DDA also hopes
                                                                                          to  enhance  additional  park
         To an enthusiastic standing room only   funding to help                              amenities  in the grant
         large crowd of  local small downtown   complete                                         process  for  enter-
         New Baltimore  business owners and   this needed                                          tainment with an
         boating enthusiasts from Macomb and   next   step                                         amphit heat er
         St. Clair County, neighboring Chester-  to  protect                                       area, harbor mas-
         field Twp. Operations & Facility Direc-  the  boats                                       ter, and kayak
         tor Joshua Sonnenberg presented his   coming  in                                          launch.
         suggestions  on  a  novel  new  concept   daily  to walk                                 New for 2022 sea-
         breakwall design based on his experi-  into town and en-                              son?    The  Parks  &
         ence at their park which is also located   joy the many shops and                 Rec.  department  will  have
         on Lake St. Clair’s Anchor Bay.                                          installed  a brand
                                             restaurants.                         new  playscape  for
                                                   The New Baltimore Downtown De-
             Rock breakwall design option    velopment  Team  began  the  approval   the kids!  Bring the
                                                                                  family to downtown
             presented by Chesterfield Twp.   process  early  2022  with  hopes  for  a   New Baltimore!
             Operations & Facility Director   2023  breakwall  completion.    Added
                 Joshua Sonnenberg

                                                                                                   Fishfly Festival
                                                                                                   Family Events

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