Page 86 - 2022 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 86

Cont.  from pg.  80  What’s New for
                                    Annual Bay-Rama Fishfly Festival,             ‘22!  Several annual events at On the
                                    and yes, it IS during fishfly season!         Bay for ‘22 include the Mermaid-Pirate
                                                                                  Party for kids, and a Tropical Tastetest
                                                                                  Fest  this summer.    Enter their street
                                                                                  side boutique for a wide array of nauti-
                                                                                  cal and beach themed home & apparel
                                                                                  for men and women - full Margaritaville
                                                                                       The New Baltimore Farmers Market
                                                                                  celebrates their 15th anniversary in ‘22
                                                                                  congrats!  The market averaged 100+
                                                                                  vendors each week with 1000’s of cus-
                                                                                  tomers strolling downtown.  Many food
                                                                                  trucks have joined up for this Sunday
                                                                                  event too.
                                                                                       Also New for ‘22!  Indulge a bit as
                                                                                  you stroll downtown!  Take advantage
                                                                                  of the new “SOCIAL WAVE DISTRICT”
      TIMORE                                                                      page 80.  Stroll with a cocktail, enjoy
                                                                                  the view, and stop by the numerous
                                                                                  shops and boutiques along your path
                                                                                  for  unique  clothing and gift  items  you

       BAL                                                                        won’t find on Amazon.  Way more fun
                                                                                  to shop and interact with human beings
                                                                                  instead of looking at a computer, let’s all
                                                                                  get out so we don’t lose this tradition.
                                                                                  A stop on the Social Wave is Little Ca-
         CONGRATULATIONS!!                              Mark, Camillle and family run this is popular dining spot serving large
                                                                                  mille’s, a large dining restaurant & bar.
        Anchor   Bay    Fishing  The duo had 18.2-pound   meals from pizza & pasta to root beer floats.  Need a coffee fix - there
        Club Bass Team of Joey  5 fish bag of smallmouth    Farmer’s Market       take in the many
        and Jacob won the bass  with a 4.80 kicker!  This   Celebrates 15th Year!    surrounding shops
        2021 Michigan TBF Stu-  is  Joey’s  third state     Each Sunday           & eateries ‘open year
        dent Angler  Federation  championship  and Ja-      9-2pm May-Oct.        round’ in this quaint
        STATE  Championship!  cobs first!                   with 100’s of         walkable waterfront
        The  ABFC team of                                   vendors - also        Port Resort.
        Joey Elliott, Jacob
        Nickert, with volun-
        teer boat Captain
        Shawn Elliott, com-
        peted in the Bass
        Championship, held
        on July 25, 2021, at                            is a Biggby Coffee in town too!                    One of my
        Hubbard Lake, MI.                                    Interesting shops include the               favorite brick
                                                        Celtic Sisters for homemade                         historical
                                                        candies and many Michigan Made                      buildings
                                                        products.   Tastings  and  gifts at                   down-
                                                        Washington Street Wine House,                           town
                                                        clever unique clothing and acces-                     by the
                                                        sories, home decor,  and art  can                    Wooden
                                                        be found at On the Bay, Boater
                                                        City Marketplace, Willy  & Bab-                      Valve is
                                                        bish,  The Conn  Artist, Dittos,                         the
                                                        and La Moda e bella (see list of                      Boater
                                                        popular local businesses page                           City
                                                        78).  Right across from the beach                Marketplace
                                                        is CC’s Dairy Bar offering frozen
                                                        sweet treats,  quick beverages,
                                                        and snacks. Face Appeal page 76 has been downtown for 15 years.
                                                        Heather will help your sun baked skin regain its youth, along with
                                                        other wellness treatments.  Back to What’s New for ‘22  page 48.
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