Page 98 - 2022 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 98


                                                                   The Mackinac Bridge dominates the
                                                                   straits area as you come up I75 and
                                               Continued  from      is still the 3rd longest suspension   will be named
                                               Page  54   Gordie   bridge in the world; and the longest   the  Gordie
                                               Howe Int’l Bridge    in the western hemisphere.  The   Howe  Interna-
                                               of any cable-stayed   main span being near a mile and   tional   Bridge.
                                               bridge and top five   the total length about 5 miles. The   Gordie   Howe
                                               longest in North    Gordie Howe will be taller with a   was born in Flo-
                                               America.            much shorter length so the effect   ral,  Saskatche-
                                                    The  1.5 mile     will definitely be dramatic     wan and spent
                                               bridge   is approxi-                                   the majority of
                                               mately 138 feet above the Detroit Riv-  his  playing  career  with  the  Detroit
                                                         er. It will be 121 feet wide  Red  Wings.  Known  simply  as  “Mr.
                                   Freighter crew        to support six lanes of ve-  Hockey”, Howe is internationally rec-
                                    receiving their      hicular traffic and the multi-  ognized as one of the greatest hock-
                                      U.S. Mail          use path for  pedestrians  ey players of all time.  Howe served
                                  delivery near the      and cyclists.             as a role  model  and  ambassador  to
                                 Ambassador Bridge       ROAD  CONSTRUCTION   generations  of fans and players on
                                    Detroit River        As can be expected, signif-  both sides of the border. As a proud
                                                         icant road construction has  Canadian  who  was  equally  proud  to
                                                         been and will continue to take  play for the Detroit Red Wings, Howe
                                                         place near the bridge around  built extraordinary goodwill  between
                                                         I-75 downtown with the high-  Canada and the United States.
                                                         way portion anticipated to be      COMMERCE
                                                         complete Fall 2023.       The  Windsor-Detroit  Gateway  is  the
                                                           Updated roads, new over-  busiest  Canada-United  States  com-
                                                         passes, ramps, sound barri-  mercial land border crossing.   2017
                                                         ers, and several pedestrian   had 2.5 million trucks crossing which
                                                         bridges are being added.  averages almost 7,000 trucks cross-
                                                             MR. HOCKEY            ing each day.
                                                         On  May  14,  2015,  it  was   MARINE UPDATES-LINKS
                                                         announced the new bridge

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