Page 46 - 2015 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 46
Restaurants around Lake St. Clair
HGFEUaaentNt,gDMBOroiuneatkrts,ertr&yo !H@aLLrMboaoatn.crPgRG.G4a8r.y22i3lH3l41e67aB..r65bi05sotrro(Sponsors of the Lake St. Clair Guide shown below)
OCCnalMipntthotJaouueinnsPnCt’RstGlEiiCLv.naea2ltsreno7tmCdnoriefRnunigissve&esr FifnrOLo’sLnmoaEnetaC.gPBt.i4eGlt8r2oy2.yc4D24k&003o.W6.cS93k8pa3s9likr@its OTnLLhotaehnte.IgPs.Sl4Ga8w2n2.ad45n309GC..41rr0i3ellek MLLoTaanrth.kgePe.4GdR822a.Cf453th028Ba..2na01rn859el ASCLalLotraeannfrteig.n,a.P4BaB82Gtae2ar9.y,G484&M0.7r2.o8G0au29rrn7i4indl6las
BJCouNsJatotByoDPrafforGitdwrh.eneG5cstS4raDilltloeRcikvaerge BLLigoaSYtn.uegPln.lG4o8se2w2.t533BS097ea..a8y4w4133all DnNeeLocaakrrktePeehrnG’SsCtt.rL.h5aaCna6nnlcadeniiretnolg
HaNLLGrboaorotnir.lutglher. 48CC22PlhuG33ab62n.B..n169ae504rl &
DONonoJuurttbshhtleeWRPCDGievlisBe.ntr6atoorR1fn&dI-.R9GEi4vxreiiltrl onLMLoBanritdoPg. dw.4G8l2ne.2’s35C354Bh8.a3a.5r7n5nel oRLniLvoSeanortg.suPi.4dtG82he2.3CG5337h7r.3oa.32nc60en0reyl POGTfLLf.hoa4Netn3.oCgfr.olt4u8hr22bdCi33Crh77eaa.c.p40nt1ri9noienls
SanoLLdGnaobrtnaiP.lrglu.WPc48ae2a2gRt1e4ei8r66vf..e82r3ro55nt Like no where else, Lake St. these that perfect day, we will sit back,
Clair boaters are so fortunate destinations. relax, and will enjoy the view!
to have so many things to do. Sometimes we encountered Check the calendar page 32 to
Lots of waterfront restaura- slower service, but as boaters we plan your schedules; or, if you
teurs working hard to serve us, understand it’s difficult, especial- would like weekly reminders &
communities putting together ly for the restaurants, to double
events for us to boat to... mari- updates on events during
nas hosting parties and BBQs, their staff at a moments no- boating season, check out the
free fireworks shows.... there tice when it’s 85 degrees
is something happening every and 5mph winds. events section at
weekend. So, thanks to all
our sponsor
Last season we had a lot of businesses and
questionable boating days ...sev- here work-
eral weekends with high winds ing hard
and quite a lot of rain. When the to make
weather was fantastic, we all us boat-
went out and bombarded ers hap-
py! And,
when we
do have
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