Page 6 - Panama City Panama Guide Preview
P. 6

How to Get to Panama City?

        Tocumen  International Airport  plane.   Once we landed  we
        is the main airport, and not too  were  directed  to customs
        big - so very easy to arrive and  where  an  agent  only  briefly
        depart  from there.   There are  questioned us, took our pho-
        also several restaurants so upon  to, and then we proceeded to
        return, no worries if you need a  pick up our bags.  A relatively

                                                                                  There I had a pre-planned driv-
                                                                                  er waiting.  We found out over
                                                                                  the next couple of weeks Uber is
                                                                                  very easy to get, so I think you
                                                                                  can  feel  confident  to  wait  until
                                                                                  you arrive and will easily find an
        sandwich to go or are hungering  small airport - easy to navigate.
        for a giant piece of Lasagna at                                           affordable ride to the City.
        the U.S. chain  restaurant Olive  Before leaving the airport, our
        Garden.                              bags went through an X-Ray           Upon  departure to the U.S.,
                                             machine in front of us and then      we Pre-Ordered the “black car”
        We flew American Airlines, how-      we exited where many taxis and       Uber  for  a  specific  time  which
        ever,  my brother came in on  Ubers were ready.                           cost us $28 + tip at the time of
        the Panamá brand                                                          this writing and was no problem.
        Copa.   He said  the
        flight experience and      There were many events in                 month of their basically “two
        seating was very nice      the city while we visited the             season year” - dry and wet
        on Copa - and it was       month of March.  One reason  season.  The wet season be-
        on time, so no com-        possibly is March is the last             gins sometime around April.
        plaints.  He also up-
        graded  to the Copa
        Club at the  Airport
        -  free  food,  drinks,
        TV, and showers are
        on-site if you should
        have a long layover
        - he strongly rec-
        ommended  this up-
        grade if  you’ll have
        lots of extra time.

        Before arriving Pan-
        amá, I had to fill out
        a VISA  form  on the

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