Page 146 - 2024 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 146

Sponsor 2025                   See you on the water!
                        “The Landmark” Edition!             Anniversary
                        “2025 Edition” will be a must keep
                       with landmarks to aid in visual navigation
                        Contact Kim Darrah 586-202-3100
                            Reserve space by October

                                                                          A final toast to Jimmy Buffett

                                                                     It wouldn’t seem right to leave out a tribute to Jimmy
                                                                     Buffett.  Everyone who loves the water has to know
                                                                     at least one song reminding us of vacation.  He cer-
                                                                     tainly helped vocalize the attitude we all share when
                                                                     we are by the water.
                                                                                      Jimmy Buffett December 25, 1946
                                                                                          - September 1, 2023 Age of 76

           Next Year will be Lake St. Clair Guide
                 25th Anniversary Issue!
           Can’t believe it myself!  Thank you for
          reading and THANK YOU for using the
          sponsors! They are the people making it
              possible to provide this Guide                          A few of his popular
                   for free each year!                                      lines...         Searching is half the fun.
                                                                                             Life is more manageable
                                                                  People who think too much   when thought of like a
                                                                       before they act        scavenger hunt as op-
                                                                     don’t act too much.     posed to a surprise party.

                                                                    We are the people our      Go fast enough to get
                                                                  parents warned us about.    there, but slow enough
                                                                                                      to see.
                                                                  Older and wiser voices can
                                                                 help you find the right path,   If life gives you limes,
                                                                    if you are only willing     make margaritas.
                                                                          to listen.

                                                                   I can’t change the direc-  Some people never find
                                                                  tion of the wind, but I can   it, some only pretend. But
                                                                   adjust my sails to always   I just want to live, happily
                                                                    reach my destination.    ever after, now and then

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