Page 18 - 2024 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 18

and the winner was...

          Lake St. Clair
      - LET’S GO!  Cont. from Page 14                    replace these with permanent lighted markers - yes

         (see photos below).  This area is STILL very confus-
         ing to understand where this “underwater very long  they  should!    So  please  review  this  location  thor-
         rock wall” is exactly, and boats still missed the mark-
                                                         oughly - or keep Tow BoatUS number handy.
         ers last season and were severely damaged.  And       The second hazard, which has been an issue
         keep in mind like most markers, the USCG removes  for 15+ years, was the removal of a giant tree that
         these in the fall and replaces them in the spring.  The  had been in the middle of the Octagon House cut...
     GET READY  Coast Guard is doing a study to see if they should  thank you very much!
         GULL ISLAND

              HEADING INTO THE
              SOUTH CHANNEL
              FROM LAKE ST. CLAIR
                                             line with our lower water level, is approx.
                                           2200 feet long and is now marked by buoys
             With the 2023 launch of the Lake   This rock wall below - inches above the water
        St. Clair Hazard Mitigation page on   every 500’ or so thanks to the efforts of
        Facebook, 2000+ members joined     Freedom Boat Club Hazard Mitigation Team.
        up and reported a variety of sub-
        merged safety threats with locations.  A variety of logs,
        trees, stumps, and garbage ... along with a Clinton River

                                                               clean up day, were attended to throughout the season by
                                                               the Freedom Boat Club Captains, their several volunteers
                                                               including Steven Dobreff, Travis Roy, Trevor Walczy, Ethan
                                                               Dobreff, along with many Lake St. Clair volunteer boaters
                                                               last season.
                                                                    Being that Freedom Boat Club members and captains
                                        X 2?                   are some of the first boats on the wa-
                                                               ter at the beginning of the season, they    Cont. Page 25

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