Page 40 - 2024 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 40

Cont. from Pg. 36 Fishing
                                                                                Tournaments Amateurs & Pros
             Helping Families Experience the Thrill of the Water                example.           tournaments?
                                                                                     It is also a great  This  may  help  the
                                                                                resource  for the  average     angler
                                                                                DNR Fisheries De-  know  ramp  condi-
                                                                                partment and their  tions,    especially
                                                                                Biologists.    Once  when  a  group  of
                                                                                the tournament is  30-40  boats  will
      - LET’S GO!  BLUELAGOONBC.COM - 586.463.1020                              catch information  site on a beautiful
                                                                                over,  each  group  be launching  at
                                                                                must report their  one ramp access

                                                                                to enable  monitor-
                                                                                                   Saturday  morning
                                                   SALES - SERVICE - PARTS
                                                                                ing to maintain this  when  you  decided
                                                   TRANSPORT - STORAGE
                                                                                amazing fishery on  to do just the same
                                                                                Lake St. Clair.
                                                                                                   thing that morning.
                                                                                     Another good
               39739 JEFFERSON - HARRISON TOWNSHIP
                                                                                                    How to Find
                                                                                registration of the
                                                                                                    -or Register-
     GET READY  2024 marks the 25th anniversary for the “July Fun Run” hosted by the Wertz Warriors.  For        If you’d like to
          those unfamiliar with this group, founded in 1981 by former Detroit Tiger and Michigan Hall
                                                                                                      a Fishing
          of Fame member Vic Wertz who had a dream to completely underwrite the Special Olympics
                                                  Michigan State Winter Games.  Their events in-
                                                  clude a 900 mile endurance snowmobile ride in
                                                  northern Michigan, and several other year round
                                                                                                   join  a  tournament
                                                                                                   this year, you may
                                                                 25th Anniversary
                                                                                                   the events are list-
                                                                                                   ed as Public or Pri-
                                                                  Wertz Warriors                   go  online  where
                                                                                                   vate, and there you
                                                                  July “Fun Run”                   will find contact in-
                                                                                                   formation  for the
                                   fundraising events.  Vic Wertz’s dream is a reality - the Wertz War-  host.  You will also
                                   riors are the main sponsor of these Winter Olympics and now do-  be enlightened to
                                   nate $300,000 each year for 900 special athletes competing in six   the  many  different
                                   different winter sports.  Since 1982 the Wertz Warriors have raised
                                   over $14 million for SOMI.  They thank you VERY MUCH for your   Cont. next page
                                   generous contributions & participation during the Fun Runs!

                                                                          Nice waterslide idea girls!

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