Page 84 - 2024 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 84

Alan from OH in May

                Welcome guys from Oklahoma today!

         Smallmouth Bass Update              many years. One other interesting an-  they   sug-
        Cont. from     season.  Likewise, fish   ecdote is that it appears that Michigan  gest  that
                                             Smallmouth Bass rarely cross the lake  data should
        Page 83        tagged along the mile   into Canadian waters, potentially indi-  be collect-
                       roads  tend  to  stay  in   cating that the shipping channel in Lake  ed on each
        that area, rarely mixing with fish tagged   St. Clair may be acting as a barrier to  of the lo-
        in  Anchor  Bay.    These  findings  align   their  movements.   These  findings  are  cal groups
        well with the jaw tagging data that the   important to the management of Lake  of  Small-
        Michigan DNR has been collecting for   St.  Clair  Smallmouth  Bass  because  mouth Bass to understand their trends
                                                                                  and then the data from these smaller
                                                                                  groups  should  be  put  together  when
                                                                                  considering the lake as a whole.
                                                                                       In 2023 the Michigan DNR partnered
                                                                                  with the B.A.S.S. Elite Series Tourna-
                                                                                  ment  that  occurred  on  Lake  St.  Clair
                                                                                  launching  out  of  Brandenburg  Park.
                                                                                  Fifteen  fish  were  acoustically  tagged
                                                                                  that  were  captured  by  pro-anglers  in
                                                                                  that  tournament.    DNR  researchers
                                                                                  were able to select fish captured from
                                                Smallmouth Bass captured in
              An acoustic tag is surgically    Anchor Bay.  Notice the healed
             implanted into a Lake St. Clair   incision from receiving an acoustic   CAMP - RV RESORTS
         Smallmouth Bass during spring 2021.            tag in 2021.          and bring your boat with you or rent one!

                                                                            Boats in         RENTALS
                                                                             Page 100            St. Clair

          2nd Annual Camp at the Beach  August 1-14                                           Bouvier
               Lake St. Clair Metropark’s Park  for free entry to either the pool,            Bridge
         Operations Manager Joe Hall said  miniature golf, or par 3 golf. “  Northpointe     RV Resort
         “Last  year  was  great  for  a  first       Lake St. Clair Metropark has so   Shores RV
         year event and we hope to make  many on-site activities with tran-    Resort
         this year’s even more successful!  sient marina as well for the day or                            Mitchell’s
         Tents only, no RV’s or Trailers &  the weekend with family & friends.                                Bay
         only on these dates.    Every camp-  See Pg 143 for more and how to   Lake St. Clair               Marine
         er will receive a coupon each day  make reservations.              Metropark                        Park

                                                                                       Marina & RV

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