Page 25 - 2012 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 25

Mitchell's Bay Marine Park                                                                    ALSO A

  One of the BEST fishing hotspots in Ontario! Mitchell's Bay can

"hook you up" to numerous fishing tournaments & duck hunting opportunities!

• Campsites               Close to beach, playground, restaurants, and shopping
• 250 Boat Wells
• 30 Amp Shore Power                 — Located on the northeast shore of Lake St. Clair —
• Water                                                    See map on page 4 for vicinity....
• Ice, Bait, Snack Shop
• Gas & Pump Out         Via Boat: Follow buoys XE2, XE6, XE8, XE10, then due east to XM11
• Picnic tables          Via Car: Off Hwy. 401; Algonac or Marine City Ferry; or via the Bluewater
• Clubhouse              	 Bridge on Highway 40
• Outdoor deck & BBQ
• Showers & Laundry

PHONE: 519-354-8423                           Fax: 519-354-3289 email:

of Father Gabriel Richard, an early mis-      what he called the "Great Interdiocesan   the Algonquin Club of Detroit & Windsor.
sionary in Michigan whose flock included      Doctrinal Debate" of 1956, during which   You can also do dinners in January at the
French-Canadian trappers. Legend has it       he determined that although muskrat is a  Monroe Yacht Club, Erie VFW Post, and
that because trappers and their families      warm-blooded mammal and technically       Trinity Lutheran Church in Wyandotte.
were going hungry not eating flesh during     flesh, the custom had been so long held   	 Now I know why the Algonac
Lent, he allowed them to eat muskrat, with    along Michigan's rivers and marshes that  High School mascot is.... the Muskrat! ...
the reasoning that the mammal lives in the    it was "immemorial custom," thus allowed  Don’t do it, no don’t... muskrat loooooove!
water.                                        under church law.
	 The Detroit archdiocesan commu-             	 For the record,                         Sorry.
nications department said there is a stand-   Bishop Povish didn't
ing dispensation for Catholics downriver      much care for muskrat
-- in Detroit's southern suburbs and below    as a meal. He wrote
-- to eat muskrat on Fridays, although no     that "anyone who could
documentation of the original dispensation    eat muskrat was doing
could be found.                               penance worthy of the
	 A 2002 archdiocesan document on             greatest of the saints."
Lenten observances, in addition to outlin-    	 Would you like
ing the general laws of fast and abstinence,  to try a full Muskrat
says, "There is a long-standing permission    Meal? Surprisingly (to
-- dating back to our missionary origins in   me anyway) there are
the 1700s -- to permit the consumption of     several locations where
muskrat on days of abstinence, including      you can satisfy this de-
Fridays of Lent."                             sire! The Harsen’s Is-
	 The late Bishop Kenneth Povish              land Lions Club has held
of Lansing wrote in a 1987 column in The      an annual “stag” dinner
Michigan Catholic, Detroit archdiocesan       in February since the
newspaper, that "no (formal) dispensa-        1960’s. Dinners also in
tion was ever given to allow Catholics to     February are with the Elk
eat muskrat on Fridays." He referred to       Lodge in Flat Rock, and

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