Page 32 - 2012 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 32

Rhumb Runner .....                                 Clair...                                                         - his 6th Mackinac Race.
the Pickle Boat                                    admit-                                                           So, needless to say, there
                                                   tedly,                                                          were a lot of experienced
Written with the help of crewman,                  I was                                                           yachtsmen in the group.
Dan Robbins                                        invited                                                         	 The shortest sailing
	 We went to “Boat Night” in Port                  mainly                                                          time of the 2011 - 87th race
Huron for the 2011 Port Huron to Macki-            to serve                                                       to Mackinac was Cheekee
nac Sailboat Race. Even if you’re not a            the                                                            Monkee with an elapsed
sailor, the events that Port Huron puts on         cock-                                                          time of 24 hours/43 minutes.
for the Bluewater Festival really can get          tails,                                                        This was a multi hull style
everyone revved up for the race. More on           but                                                           boat which always seem to
what goes on there on page 14.		                   sailing the Mackinac Race                                     be the fastest boats. The ac-
	 Interestingly however, we were                   for an affirmed sailor must be unforget-       tual winning boat with a elapsed time of
                                                   table so I was very excited to talk with       31 hours/52 minutes was Natalie J owned
   One of the big guys                             Dan to learn what it’s like to be in this      by Phil O’Niel III of Bloomfield Hills.
                                                   huge event. The Bayview Mackinac Boat          (Boats are handicapped like in golf so
at the St. Clair Boat Races the following          Race is run by the Bayview Yacht Club of       with corrected time, the Natalie J won).
weekend. While trying to beat the 90 de-           Detroit. It’s one of the longest fresh-water   The Pickle Boat, the Rhumb Runner fin-
gree heat in between races at a local “air         races in the world with over two hundred       ished with an elapsed time of 68 hours /
conditioned” restaurant, we met Dan Rob-           boats entering the race each year. The race    13 minutes, 20 hours longer than her pre-
bins, one of the crew of the Pickle Boat           starts just north of Port Huron, 4 miles into  vious year...and about 44 hours behind the
from the Mackinac Race. What’s the                 Lake Huron and ends at Mackinac Island.        1st boat to Mackinac.
Pickle Boat? It’s the last boat to finish the      	 As for a little background, there            	 68 hours straight, sailing 235
race! According to Wikipedia, the origin           were six crew aboard the 2011 the Rhumb        miles in a race is a long time. Here’s Dan’s
of the name comes from English yacht-              Runner, a 36’ Catalina, her 3rd race with      account of what this experience was like
ing, where the last boat was called the            owner/skipper William Howard of Lap-           for his first time in this historical race....
“fisher.” The boats used to stop to fish for       eer. The boat is kept at Oldford’s Marina      	 I would not say there was not a lot
herring and then pickle them. The pickling         in Lexington, MI. Also from Oldford’s          of tension at the beginning of the race, but
required the boat to take even longer to           Marina were Linus Isabell of Rochester
come into port.                                    Hills - his 6th Mackinac Race, Craig and                While waiting for the start
	 I’ve been fortunate enough to sail               son Matthew Shaw of Attica, MI - Craig’s                  during the high heat and
                                                   2nd Race and Matthew’s 1st, and our ar-                  no wind, there were some
                                            in a   ticle contributor today, Dan Robbins - his                    final dips to cool off
                                            few    1st Mackinac Race. And also was Arthur
                                            races  Stephenson of Southfield, friend of Linus’     rather much excitement and anticipation
                                            on                                                    of what the lake would dish out weather
                                            Lake     Our crew, as we left                         and wind wise.
                                            St.                                                   	 The start of the race was ex-
                                                     Lexington, MI                                tremely low wind. It was hot and muggy
                                                                                                  and the race was delayed for 45 minutes.
                                                     for Port Huron                               Continued on Page 36......

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