Page 10 - 2014 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 10

til we get ice again in the winter…which            four day tour- Hank Cherry was
                                    is why you see a lot “fishermen” photos in          nament, Chris crowned Rookie of
                                    this magazine each year from people visit-          Lane, went
                                    ing that stay with us at one of my rentals on       home with      the Year at Lake St.
                                    the lake @                  $109,300 and     Clair Metropark

                                    If you’re not into fishing, you may not have        the beautiful
                                    heard Lake St. Clair was honored to host a
                                    very exciting B.A.S.S. event which ESPN             trophy at the
                                    covered. The Bass Anglers Sportsman So-
                                                                                        bottom right.

                                                                                        Still not im-

Did you know that Bassmasters       ciety (B.A.S.S.), is a fishing organization         pressed? Kevin VanDam from Kalamazoo
                                    with over 500,000 members. Besides a                who calls Lake St. Clair his "home lake"
ranked Lake St. Clair the best all  magazine and a weekly TV program, it’s              has accumulated over $5.5 MILLION in
around bass fishing lake in the                                                         B.A.S.S. earnings, and add to that has ma-
                                                                                        jor sponsors and his own line of lures. He
world last year? … Our Lake St. best known for its annual tournaments
Clair was written about in news articles around the U.S. The top fishermen in the       finished 31st out of 100 in the Lake
all around the country when BassMasters world compete the entire year to qualify        St. Clair Tournament,
made this announcement. Although I think for the “Super Bowl” of fishing… the           but still took home
a vast majority of us use Lake St. Clair area Bassmaster Classic, which actually kicks  $45,000!
waters more for “boating” since
we have the most beautiful clear The bass fishing "king" of anglers,                    I had a few an-
blue fresh water for swimming the $5 million man Kevin VanDam                           nouncements and
and so many fun waterfront practicing for the Bassmaster Pro Elite                      photos during
                                   tournament just outside the                          this tournament
places to go and things to do in   North Channel by Lake St. Clair                      week posted on
                                                                                        my Facebook
the world! (We always vacation                                                          page.... As you
                                                                                        may guess, there
on the water somewhere and                                                              were a few com-
                                                                                        ments of "must
what we have here to offer is                                                           be nice to fish
                                                                                        for a living"....
rarely beaten, don't you think?)                                                        so, here's a
                                                                                        snippet of
Luckily for our local economy                                                           their life.....
too, thousands of fishermen                                                             page 12....

from around the country visit

here as soon as the ice melts un-

Fireworks Along the Water                    off the fishing season in
                                             February and has a first
New Baltimore - Anchor Bay          June 19  place purse of $500,000.
                                             Lake St. Clair was the
Marysville - St. Clair River        June 21  final major event of this
                                             past season to help de-
Detroit - Detroit/Windsor           June 23  termine the fishermen
                                             who would compete in
Mt. Clemens-Clinton River Downtown June 27   the Classic in February.
                                             The Tournament here on
Lake St. Clair Metropark            July 2   Lake St. Clair crowned
                                             Aaron Martens "Angler
Algonac - St. Clair River           July 3   of the Year", Hank Cher-
                                             ry "Rookie of the Year",
Belle Maer/MacRay - Anchor Bay July 4        and the winner of this

St. Clair - St. Clair River         July 4

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