Page 52 - 2013 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 52

Established 1979

                                                 Setting the standards for the new millennium

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The Sheriff Update continued from                formed by the Sheriff or the DNR. (This Another big problem are MIP's he said.
page 22 ......We all know that having too
much to drink is not a good thing while          can be done online also at         An MIP is a minor in possession, which
driving anything; but after hearing some re-
ally terrible details about the fatalities that  Also a reminder from Sergeant Berg... usually occurs at the Jobbie Nooner events.
Sergeant Berg has witnessed, it was a good
reminder to realize in a split second of mis-    Remember, when there is occupied land Although I don't normally talk about this
calculation you could be dead... it was sad
to hear about the tragic deaths and terrible     ...cottage, dock, or pierhead... ALL water- event, since it does receive a lot of public-
accidents that happen around Lake St. Clair
each weekend to normal, responsible peo-         craft must observe a slow no wake speed ity on its own, I usually attend... I still have
ple... like me.
                                                 within 200’ of the shore in the St. Clair this job to do! However, maybe I should
    Moving on, PWC's (Jet Skis & Wave-
runners) are the cause for the most acci-        River and its channels (and 100’ from shore mention for people who plan to go who
dents and fatalities. Unfortunately for him
and their team, they see a lot of gruesome       on bays and lakes). This     With the new          have never went.... this
things... several that he shared with me that    is not only for the safety                         is not a children's event,
you'll have to trust me, you don't want to
happen to you. Riding at high speeds with        of the property of the       security              or an event for under 21.
no seat belt or helmet Sergeant Berg said he
sees a lot of broken arms and legs and be-       homeowners and their         cameras, U.S.         No minors should be on
lieves riders underestimate their power and      boats docked, but also       Border Patrol         the island that day. Sin-
hit the throttle and run into stuff a lot.       most accidents happen         can monitor          gle girls should also stay
                                                 near shore from people                             in a group.... Sergeant
    Also, did you know that
"ALL" riders of personal watercraft born         darting out and collid- illegal activities         Berg informed me that
after December 31, 1978 must have a              ing with another water-                            Gull Island sadly is the
"Boating Safety Certificate", which is ac-       craft, or hitting a dock or  off the island...     scene for several rapes
quired by passing a written State test per-                                                         and assaults.
                                                 seawall due to a single as well as ON

                                                 moment's lapse in judge-     Gull Island              Also a point to note,
                                                 ment of the power and                              you know the new cam-

                                                 their lack of PWC ex-                              era tower on Gull Island?

                                                 perience. Sergeant Berg                            The intent of the camera

                                                 told me the “memorial cross” that I saw on is for homeland security, however, remem-

                                                 the Snooks Highway cut last year, where it ber the U.S. Border Patrol can monitor the

                                                 enters Little Muscamoot by Brown’s, sadly island too and alert the agencies in the area

                                                 is there from someone not knowing this of illegal activities....

                                                 rule.....                                     Continued on page 53

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